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"Greengrass!" Came Malfoy's shrill voice in a yell, approaching the Gryffindor table where she was having dinner with her boyfriend and his friends.

"What do you want? I already told you my sister isn't answering your letters for a reason, you know." Daphne replied, boredly, and Harry lightly pressed her hand underneath the table, taking a small smile out of her. They kept eating, Hermione and Ron not bothering to stop eating to amuse Malfoy.

"It's not about that!" He said, gesturing to the two of them, Daphne sitting by Harry's side, Harry pretending to pay attention to his food as he watched carefully. "It's about this!"

Malfoy made a sweeping motion at the table, grandiose and ignored by the entirety of the Great Hall.

"This what, exactly?" Daphne asked, confused, inclining her head. "Is my tie crooked or something?"

Finally, the joke Harry had been waiting for her to realize the entire day had its pay off coming. He made a note of never thanking Malfoy for that, before smiling cheekily.

"Yes, actually." Harry said, and Daphne huffed at him, letting go of his hand to fix her crooked red tie. She paused at the color, and Harry offered her a cheeky grin. "Thought you'd never notice."

Daphne gave him an evil look, which made Harry shudder underneath her gaze.

"Merlin's sake, no wonder Snape was looking to me like I killed his puppy." Daphne complained, huffing as she undid his tie, too close for public comfort. Hermione spared them one single glance, taking off her eyes of the book for a mere second.

"No corrupting the younger years, I don't want to reply to the firsties about the birds and the bees again." She said, and Malfoy blushed a deep red as Hermione went back to her book.

"You're not going to say anything about this, Granger?" Draco hissed, waving to the situation at hand. Hermione rose her eyes, looking bored.

"What, do I look like their mother?" Daphne finished tying Harry's tie, and set onto her own with nimble fingers. "No, thank you. Do it yourself, Malfoy."

Draco spluttered at that, and turned back to Daphne, who was still fiddling with her tie.

"You're eating with the Gryffindors, like a traitor!"

"I'm eating with my boyfriend, like a good girlfriend, because someone on my House will flip if he eats there." She said, not looking up. Harry took off a strand of hair of hers that threatened to fall on her plate, putting it behind her ear as she finished her tie knot. "Thanks."

"It's nothing."

Malfoy watched the scene with his jaw almost on the floor. Ron cautiously threw a pea inside his mouth, and there was no reaction at all.

"How come I'm the only one caring you two are dating? Greengrass, for starters, that's Potter, and he's a Gryffindor. Are you aware of that?"

"Very. What's wrong with it, anyway? We're not children to be having stupid House wars." Daphne shrugged, and grabbed her fork delicately. "Can you let me eat? I have class soon."

"You heard the lady, Malfoy." Harry piped in, smiling too nicely. Draco opened and closed his mouth, like a dying fish, before focusing his eyes on Harry. "What now?"

"Shouldn't you, you know, hate all Slytherins?"

It was Harry's turn to shrug, turning his face to look at Daphne, smiling softly at her.

"Guess we all have our exceptions, huh?" Harry held Daphne's free hand quietly, underneath the table, and she smiled while she ate, intertwining their fingers. "Now how about you scramble? The food is getting cold."

Malfoy spluttered once more and left in a flurry of robes, too similar to Snape. Harry stopped, paused for a moment to think, and went back to eating. It wasn't really anything he should care about.

[arrives 2 years later with starbucks and a second chapter] so what did i miss

anyway A Whole Lotta Time Ago someone asked for draco's reaction. here you go. better late than never

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