Chapter 2-First Day

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Chapter 2

It's been three months since we departed from Oxford.

Cars honking, horse tloting and raindrops pouring down. It's early in the morning but the city is already busy. I'm here preparing my things for school. My shoes are already stripping because I used it for two years now. My father didn't buy me a new pair of shoes since we don't have enough money.

Corrine Mel Williams that's my name. I'm 16 years old and currently living here in London.

London, for me its not really that good since I'm just new here. I'm not really used in living in a city since I originally came from Oxford, a country side from London. However I came to like it slowly seeing that there are many people wearing beautiful dresses that I've never seen before. Beautiful shoes and royal hats that looks cute you can say that they came from a noble family.

" I wish I came from a noble family " I talked to myself.

Thankfully I got accepted from the scholarship of Saint Lucia Academy, an elite school where many students came from a noble family. It's my first day in that school and now I'm going there. While I'm walking I saw Big Ben, It's the third biggest clock in the world. Its beautiful, as i look at it  I' ve noticed that its already 6:45 in the morning. 

" GOSH !  I'm so dead !first day of class and I'm late! " I ran as I couldn't catch up my beathing.

Shouldn't be late !Shouldn't be late ! Shouldn't be late !  I keep  repeating on my mind.


" Tlot! Tlot! Tlot! .... WOSH! "

a carriage instantly stopped infront of me. I was shocked owing to the fact that I nearly died. Then the carriage opened and there was a guy having the same age as mine.

" Are you trying to kill me?! " I yelled and glared at him.

He looks familiar, maybe I saw him before but I can't remember a thing.

" I'm sorry, I startled you again." he smiled.

" Again? have we met before? "  I wrinkled my forehead and raise an eyebrow.

" Don't you remember when you saw a little puppy and said that puppy was cute?" he answered kindly.

" Ahh, I remember now !  so it was you, the boy I met before. I'm sorry I didn't recognized you. You grow a lot. Back then I'm taller than you and now, you look so different " I said it gladly.

" So want some ride? You're going to be late " gently he offered.

( In Saint Lucia's main gate )

" Thank you for giving me a ride " I said it formally as I act like a noble and turned around.

" Thankfully I'm not late " in a low voice i said it without saying goodbye to Seth. I hurriedly ran as fast as I could. Then a few moment,

" Bang! " I bumped into someone.

" Oh! sorry, I'm really sorry " I just picked up my books that scattered into the floor and continued to run. I heard him saying that  I'm stupid clumsy girl. I just didn't mind it.

( In the Ceremony ) 

" On behalf of the student council. I would like to welcome you all new students to Saint Lucia Academy. My name is Jack Davies and I am the student council president for this year. I am excited to lead the student council and offer you the oppurtunity to play an active role in creating an environment that cultivates personal academic and professional growth "

When the president finished his speech. I suddenly felt the urge to pee. I went out to the auditorium to search the bathroom.

"Where is the  bathroom?" I asked myself.

I stomped my right foot and grasped my dress. It's like my bladder is about to explode. Then it took me long enough to realize that I was lost. I didn't stop searching the bathroom until I saw Seth again and ask him.

" Why are you here? are you stalking me?" I ask him suspiciously and raised my right eyebrow.

" ahmm.. I'm studying here. " Seth replied with smiling face.

What! ( switch attitude from informal to formal. )

" Because you didn't tell me earlier I act bluntly. I'm really sorry " I raised the sides of my dress and bowed like a noble.

" It's alright no need to be formal but in return you and I will become friends. So be comfortable with me. Deal? " asked Seth.

( attitude back to normal )

" that's it? sure." I smiled to him.

" Alright from now on, we are friends " I gleefully said. " But could you lead me to the bathroom, my bladder is about to explode. "

" are you comfortable now? " he asked.

" Yep. Thanks anyway. "

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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