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"Alright boys here we are Queens." The cab driver said to the boys and they thanked him and stepped out. Calum looked around like he was a little kid in a toy store. "Here we are boys, Queens isn't it beautiful." He said with his hands opens wide.

"Yea very beautiful." Michael said looking around.

"Thank god we are out of that car cause it smelled like pee and onions." Ashton said rubbing his nose. He regretted coming here.

"So where are we staying?" Michael asked. Calum didn't really care where he was staying he just didn't want to stay in a place that reminded him of home.

"We have to ask someone where the closest hotel is." Ashton said walking away.

"Nope no we are not staying at a hotel, we are renting an apartment." Calum said stopping in front of Ashton.

"Listen we already agreed to your stupid plan at least let us stay in a proper place." Ashton said crossing his arms. Calum rolled his eyes and started walking away, the guys followed him. He then stopped to ask a woman for the nearest place to rent an apartment, she pointed to a building across the street and he thanked her.

"Wait we're really doing this , your crazy." Ashton said. "Where gonna have to take care of our self's, we're going to have to cook , clean, make the bed an-"

"I know and I'm sick of it ash, I want to know what it's like to be normal." Calum said. " now let's go."

"This guy is i guy has lost it." Ashton said to Michael. " Leave him alone he's trying new things." Michael patted him on his back. They guys walked to the building and knocked on the door. A short man with glasses and a bald spot in his hair answered the door.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"We're looking for the landlord?" Calum asked.

"That's me." The man said. "What do you want?"

"We would like a place to stay?"

"There's no room anymore, now scram!"

Ashton pulled out a large stack of money out of his pocket from his suit. The man's eyes widened.

"Well gentlemen come in." He smiled and opened the door so the boys could go in.

"Now this one is really fucked up." The landlord said. After looking at three different places, they finally found one Calum liked.

"It's a has two bedrooms and one bathroom and the sink needs to be fixed." The landlord opened the door and Ashton's jaw dropped. The place was filthy, a rat was running around, the walls were dirty, spider webs everywhere.

"We'll take it." Calum said.

"What??" Michael and Ashton yelled. Calum paid the man and thanked him for his help.

"Well boys pleasure doing business with you boys and before I go my name is mister Soprano." The man said and closed the door. Ashton sighed and looked around. "Well I guess you finally lost your mind." He said.

"O ash come on this place is actually not bad, all it needs is a makeover and furniture and its done." Michael said to Ashton. Calum opened a window and smelled the fresh air.

"You know what, we're in New York , let us dress like New Yorkers." Calum said and the other boys looked at each other.


After walking around and exploring the city. The boys came out of a shop with different clothes on and many bags full of clothes. Michael was wearing an oversized yellow sweater with black glasses and a black beanie. Ashton wore a a black and red flannel and black pants and Calum was a blue shirt.

"I feel different." Ashton said.

"I actually like this, i feel comfortable." Michael said. Calum looked at himself in a window of a shop he felt. He looked different, he didn't look like himself, felt like a normal person.

"I'm starving." Michael said.

"You always are." Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Ash just admit it."

"Admit what?"

"That you love me."

"Listen what part of I don't like you, you don't understand."

"Can you two be nice to each other for one minute, okay we're in a different country so new rules, try to stay out of each others way please." Calum said.

"Fine." Ashton said and rolled his eyes.

"Guys guys, I smell food." Michael said and took a deep breath. "This way." He said and the other boys followed him. After walking for a few minutes they stopped at a little diner and they went in. In the diner they saw four old men arguing.

"I still think James Cagney was better then Edward G Robinson." The on behind the counter said. The boys took their seats on the barstools.

"You've got to be kidding me,Yankee doodle dandy?" An man with a with mustache said.

"Yea what's wrong with that movie."

"Have you ever seen Edward g Robinson sing and dance before."

"O he's right Joe he's right." An a smaller man with an hat on said. "But he did do a great job in Yankee doodle."

"See I told ya and don't come at me with the "o but was Edward g Robinson in a musical"so what I'm telling ya Cagney can play two roles a nice guy and bad guy, the movies Robinson played in were good too but not as good as Cagney's." The man behind the counter said.

"But Bogart was better than Cagney."  the man with the hat said.

"You know what fuck you and fuck you, who's next?" The man behind the counter asked and Calum raised his hand.

"So you three must be new."

"Yes we are here on vacation." Calum said.

"Welcome to america ,what do you boys want to eat." The man asked.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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