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"Ladies and Gentleman we have now arrived to your destination it's currently six in the morning in Sydney Australia. I hope you've enjoyed your flight until next time." I've been awake for roughly five hours already. We finished a couple of appearances in London and Los Angeles and we are finally home.

To me home has been meaning time with my son. It's been months since I saw him last, we facetimed and stuff but nothing beats the feeling of getting to hold him. All the boys are still asleep and I softly nudge them to get up. I made sure to ring my mom letting her know to not bring Tanner to the airport, because their might be fans and I don't want him to get scared.

We walk out the plane and into baggage claim. A couple of fans are waiting with school uniforms on.

"Hi Ashton can I take a picture?" a girl asks. I nod putting my suitcase down and smiling.

"Are you guys on your way to school?" the girls nod.

"Yes well we woke up earlier to get to meet you guys." We make sure they all get a picture with us and walk out. The boys families are all there and my mom is here. I panic a bit because I don't know if she has Tanner or not.

"Oh honey I'm glad you're home. Lauren and Harry are still asleep so is Tanner. Actually they should be getting up for school soon." I was glad I was home and glad to see my kid.

Ashton was nervous all the way home. He didn't know if Tanner would remember him. At a point he asked his mom if Tanner even remembered him earning a smack on the head from his mom. The ride was a bit long and it was filled with stories of Tanner and how he likes to listen to the band perform.

Walking out of the car Ashton knew he needed to put himself together and make sure that he doesn't scare Tanner when trying to say hi. Once all his bags were in the house he saw Harry and Lauren getting ready for school. He said a quick hello and made his way to Tanner's bedroom. Not seeing a sleeping body he kind of panicked, before screaming he quickly went to his room were he found his son laying on Ashton's bed hugging his stuffed elephant Ashton sent from tour.

This warmed up Ashton's heart. He wanted to cry not only because he missed his son so much, also because he felt as a failure for not being there in his life. Ashton walked over to the side Tanner was laying and squatted down. Ashton moved his hair from tanners forehead and kissed it. Tanner shuffled a bit and sat up rubbing his eyes.

"Daddy?" Tanner yawned and tried opening his eyes. At that moment Ashton started crying. Not the full on sobbing but more of a quiet cry.

"Hi cubby how are ya?" Ashton sat on the bed looking at Tanner still rubbing his eyes.

"Daddy? I missed you." Tanner crawled on Ashton's lap and hugged his neck tightly. "Don't leave daddy I missed you." Ashton kissed the top of his head and hugged him not wanting to let go.

Super short I apologize I need to help my dad out I'll be writing the next chapter. Thank you for reading and those who voted the first chapter :)

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