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Seth: AHHH!

Roman: You have got to stop falling for that man.

Sasha: No Roman, Dean's gotta quit being a Dick.

Dean: I'm not a Dick.

Charlotte: are you sure?

Bayley is hugging Seth now.

Seth: Bayley I'm fine.

Bayley: I have to make sure.


Cop: ok you Assholes. Pick up that shit.

Bayley: why you so mean😢😢

Dean: why are you so nice?

Bayley: Thanks😊

Seth breaks a boulder in half with a chop.

Sasha: hmm. Good skills.

Seth: I own a wrestling school called black & brave & that's one of my lessons.

Sasha: to break a boulder with a simple karate chop?

Seth: yeah, well first we start with the usual wooden board.


Seth: you guys do it first then we'll talk.

Roman: So Charlotte, what do you like to do?

Charlotte: carry on my father's legacy of greatness.

Roman: royalty huh?

Charlotte: Believe That.

Roman: oh I believe it. Wooooooo!

Bayley: Awww that's so cute!

Finn: yeah.

Achievement Get: Getting Acquainted

Seth: So What Do We Do about our new Asshats.

Dean: We Fuck Them Up.

Roman: I'm surprised he didn't say the wrong line this time.

Dean: What?

Becky: nothing Dean they're just being dicks.


Dean: at Least I HAVE A Dick.

Everyone stares at Dean.

Dean: What?

Cop gathers the group & heads out.

Cop: Ok Guys, so to make sure those 3 meatheads don't suspect anything, when you see me, act as you would to any other cop.

Seth: so respect?

Bayley: Hug?

Dean: call them pigs?

Everyone looks at Dean.

Dean: oh tell me I'm wrong.

Cop: Yes you can call me that Ambrose.

Finn: I just hope their not watching us.

Cop: They're not. Plus the camera doesn't record audio.

Becky: see Dean you can say whatever you want.

Dean: ok. Hey Chief no hard feelings. Actually yes there are You Still suck.

Everyone facepalm.

A/N: I Did have a joke planned here but I'll save it for a later Chapter.

Sasha: Ok Let's Go Sethie.

Seth: ok.

Dean: Ooooh you bout to get la-

Everyone: Shut Up Dean.

Dean: I was joking.

Finn: well your joke almost traumatized Bayley.

Dean: She's so innocent she can't handle the word laid?

Finn: Yes.

Bayley: Don't say it Please.😣

Finn comforts Bayley & everyone goes back to their cell.

Another Chapter Finished.

Next Chapter: 1st Ship starts forming.😊

Trip To Ambrose Asylumजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें