Getting to know you

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After my study session with Thomas, I thought about what he said. I asked Mom about it. She gave me sound advice and told me to get to know him. Then said, don't tell my father. I laughed.

I also spoke to Quinn, and she said to go for it since Thomas didn't seem like the losers we went to school with. Plus, he's cute. I giggled at that. Leave it to Quinn to state the obvious.

I went to school and found Thomas. He was standing at his locker as I strolled up. I tapped him on the shoulder, and he looked at me.

"So, I thought about what you asked, and there's a carnival happening this weekend. Would you like to go ride some rides, gorge ourselves on junk food, and play rigged games?" I asked, acting casual.

"When you put it that way, sure," Thomas replied, then smiled. I smiled back. We started laughing.

Thomas closed his locker door, and he walked with me to my locker. Quinn was at her locker when we walked up. The three of us talked when Wyatt Chasen walked up to us. I wondered what he wanted?

"Hey, Quinn," Wyatt greeted Quinn.

"Wyatt," Quinn said, looking at Wyatt.

"So, I'm wondering if you wanted to see a movie?" Wyatt asked as we stood there.

"It depends. Are you paying?" Quinn asked. Thomas and I looked at each other.

"Why wouldn't I pay?" Wyatt asked. This exchange was so weird. "You can even pick the movie."

"Well, in that case, sure, why not?" Quinn mentioned as Wyatt smiled and walked away. What was that?

"Okay, that's weird, and I do not mean a good weird," Quinn told us.

"He could be nice," Thomas mentioned.

"Or donkeys will fly out of my butt," Quinn retorted. Thomas looked at her with confusion as I laughed. "Whatever the case, I'll go, and if he acts like a douche, I will hurt his boys." Quinn closed her locker as I giggled.

Thomas and I sat next to each other in class as Asher shot daggers at Thomas. That is nothing new there. Asher could take a long walk off a short pier. I will never date him because I didn't even like guys like him.

At lunch, I was on my way to the lunchroom when Asher cornered me.

"You know these games you play are old," Asher commented.

"And so are your douche ways," I replied.

"Concede and got out with me, or," Asher said when I watched him drop in front of me. He laid on the floor, holding his manhood and groaning.

I looked up to see Thomas standing there. "Someone should teach this guy manners and the meaning of no," Thomas said. He pointed at Asher, who glared at Thomas. I started laughing.

We started walking to the lunchroom, leaving Asher to nurse his boys and ego.

"How is it every time I seem to have an issue, you're there?" I asked Thomas.

"Luck, I guess," Thomas answered with a shrug.

"Then it must be my lucky day," I remarked.

"I guess it must be," Thomas replied as we entered the lunchroom and sat down at the table with Quinn. We all talked, and I told Quinn what happened with Asher. She laughed as we ate lunch.

"Asher needs to give it up. I don't know what he hopes to achieve with you since you have a zero interest in him," Quinn said.

"I guess he thinks if I agree, then we will be the ideal couple, but his ideas don't appeal to me," I replied.

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