Chapter 12

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"Come in" The chef with a knife told us with a welcoming smile.

"I like what you have done with the place" I looked at the walls.

"Leah that's blood not some pattern!" Zapp yelled.

"There's an arm in the food" Leonardo pointed out while trembling.

"Care for a bowl?" The chef asked the boys frantically shook their heads and Zapp made sure I didn't nod.

Once we got out of there Leonardo is on the ground chanting something about a chow god "Leonardo why don't we go to that place you took me to before" I suggested.

"God!" He hugged me, and we went to the restaurant he took me and Black to before.

We ordered our food and the boys cried once it was put in front of them I grabbed my burger and the girl behind the bar as I sensed an attack.

Zed grabbed Leonardo and Zapp stopped the bomb that came through the ceiling from hitting the ground so it didn't explode.

"Everything is wrecked what the hell man?" Zapp went outside to complain at the person while I happily ate my burger Leonardo and Zed watched with jealousy.

"Perfect timing help us you four" Dad demanded we could see monsters falling from the sky and I help fight them as I ate my burger nothing is stopping me from eating it.

I wasn't hungry anymore after the fight, but they went to get sushi altogether and Zapp ate too much and dad had to drag him to the hospital.

We went to a nice area of the hospital and sat down on some chairs "White!" I called out when I noticed her, and she smiled and came over to us.

Zed went to check in on Zapp "Bye Mr Zed" White waved to him " Let's go to the cemetery" White was already heading to it so we followed her.

She went into the chapel that is there instead "This is the first time I have been here" Leonardo admired the chapel and I nodded showing it's my first time here as well.

"Right now I kind of feel like praying," White told us with a sad expression.

I sat behind her and Leonardo sat opposite of her "For your sakes" She mumbled.

"Don't lie you want to pray for your own sake" Someone at the entrance of the chapel corrected her "After everything, you are still hoping for salvation? Humans are so full of arrogance."

"Black?" Leonardo said confused.

"Who are you?!" I questioned him it isn't Black.

"The all-seeing eyes of god I want you to give me your eyes" White told Leonardo honestly "I have to get Will back from him," White told us determined.

"Stop White!" I yelled and ran to stop her she was walking towards Leonardo I was hit by something and it made me fly back into a wall.

I grunted in pain and looked to see Leonardo on the floor with something over his eyes, and I was gonna go to get him out of here, but he disappeared and so did Black.

"Where is he?" I looked around me "WHITE! WHERE IS HE!?"

She fell to her knees sobbing "I'm sorry."

I turned away and got out my phone "Dad!" I yelled as he answered "Leo-" I was hit in the head and fell to the ground. I dropped my phone it was some distance away from me.

"Dad help Leo-" I cried and reached for it.

"There won't be help" I heard Black's voice, and I was knocked out.

The last word I heard was dad calling out my name from my phone.

I woke up to a whistling sound and I got up and saw Black whistling "He's coming for you I can't be bothered to kill you and White begged for me to leave you alone" Black explained bored and went back to whistling.

I looked around to see the chapel is mostly destroyed and outside of it is yellow and most things are floating in the air "As I thought it was Black that stopped that pot of tea from falling on me."

Dad walked in and smiled in relief seeing me and I ran to his side, he hugged me tightly and then put me on his shoulder and kept a hand on my so no one can take me away from him.

"The King of despair of the thirteen kings I presume" Dad talked to Black.

"Whats it to you Klaus Von Reinherz? Just get lost I'm not waiting for you" Black demanded.

"I'm not here for you I came for my daughter and Willam Macbeth where is he?" dad asked Black attacked us by moving a floating boulder at us but dad stopped it.

We ended up fighting Black I protected us from his attacks with my blood and dad kept trying to get a hit on him but Black's psychic powers make him move to fast for dad to land a hit on him.

We broke the entire building and dad got badly hurt, he held me tightly to his chest to protect me. I used my blood to stop dad from flying back and getting even more injured I put us down carefully on the ground, and we saw Leonardo he is walking up to Black.

"White! You have to face the light!" Leonardo shouted after he looked at Black with his eyes fully open.

Black freaked out and put his hand to his face "Please Leonardo help them!" I yelled desperately.

Leonardo ran the rest of the way to Black and headbutted him "Joint field of vision."

"MY EYES! MARY!" He shoved Leonardo away from him.

Black came back and fell onto his back then a yellow light went around above the city and everything that was floating fell it seems to have stopped.

A white butterfly appeared and flew around me then pass Leonardo "I guess it's goodbye" I mumbled and dad ruffled my hair.

"Took you long enough" I whined to Leonardo but smiled at the end.

"Sorry" He apologised and bowed.

"You made it in time thanks," I told him.

"Leonardo you did splendidly, you alone saved them today so have confidence in yourself, Leonardo Watch" Dad smiled at him.

"I agree, you saved us both as well," I told him honestly.

"Thanks, sorry I caused so much trouble" Leonardo started crying.

"Hey don't your gonna make, too late" My tears started falling.

Dad laughed and hugged me as I clung to his shirt "Your shirt is getting wet sorry" I apologised.

"Its already covered in blood" Dad told me.

"Oh yeah" I laughed as he wiped my tears.

Everything in life went back to normal after that as normal I mean "Zapp is being strangled by a bird" I called out to Leonardo.

"Zapp!" Leonardo ran to his aid.

Some monster fell out of the sky "Cute" Some people near us commented.

"Really that's cute?" I questioned them and the monster then morphed into a giant with hundreds of rows of teeth "Now that is cute."

"IT'S NOT!!" Many people shouted at me.

"It's very cute" Dad pat my head and put me on his shoulder and got ready to fight the monster.

Our normal daily life would be horrible for most people but I wouldn't change it for a million gummy bears, everyone in Libra is my family.

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