Chapter 11

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We found out it has taken over the front of a plane where the junior pupil is, so we had Hummer and Deldro to stop it, and they smashed it into a building. Leonardo used his eyes and wrote the blood breeds real name on his notepad "You done it Leonardo?" Dad asked.

He already put me on his shoulder and grabbed Leonardo and jumped off the building we are on. I used my blood and stabbed it in the building as we went down so we didn't fall and splatter all over the floor and Zapp followed after us.

Once we got to where Hummer and Deldro are the blood breed started attacking straight away but dad blocked it "Gross" I commented as I see it's just guts right now it came back together and looked more like a human.

"Done it!" Leonardo shouted and handed dad the note Hummer grabbed Leonardo and took him out of here. I acted as the defence for dad as he took the offense part of fighting the blood breed.

"Dad!" I shouted as a warning he jumped back and made sure I stayed on his shoulder the blood breed blew up the whole inner part of the building. The blood breed jumped up and a person that I think is the other person learning under skull guy attacked it with Zapp.

I made a way for us to get to the upper levels and once the blood breed fell down because of their attack dad jumped down and I made sure it didn't move with my blood. Dad punched it in the back and sealed it into a blood cross.

We all got together and the skull guy was talking with Zapp then disappeared "Master!" The fish guy panicked.

"Welcome to the team?" I said confused and he then fainted.

"Did he see sushi or something?" I asked.

"Why sushi?" Chain asked me.

"He's a fish-man, I think" I answered and dad picked the guy up.

We all stayed at the office and slept I woke up to Leonardo on the couch with me he is staring at some pen and paper.

"Writing to your sister?" I asked and he smiled seeing me awake.

"Your both up earlier" Dad appeared with some paper bag and sat down next to me on the couch "Is that to your sister?" Dad looked at the pen and paper.

"You both asked the same thing" Leonardo laughed "Well it is I just can't write anything."

I gave him a packet of gummy bears because I didn't know what to say and dad took a doughnut out of his paper and handed it to him.

"Your both so similar" Leonardo laughed again.

Later in the day I got hungry  "Let's get something to eat" Leonardo suggested.

"Yeah, Zed come with us" I called out to him.

"What it will get fishy" Zapp made fun of him.

"We are going with just Zed then" Leonardo pulled Zed with us.

"Have fun being the loner you are Zapp!" I yelled at him he ran after us.

"Doesn't this look good?" Zapp took us to a sushi place.

"I don't really like fish and Zed's brother is probably somewhere in there on a plate" I mumbled and Zed was about to go in.

"Wait!" Zapp screeched.

"What?" He asked.

"Isn't that cannibalism?" Zapp asked.

"Can we eat somewhere else?" I asked.

"Zapp you should know already that fish eat other fish in the sea" Zed explained.

"Leah said she wants to eat somewhere else so let's go!" Zapp yelled and ran off.

"I don't wanna eat puke," I said while watching someone puke it is a rainbow colour "Actually it looks kind of good" I looked at it intrigued.

"No!" Leonardo dragged me away.

We went to the next one "Clam chowder sounds good" Leonardo sighed in relief.

"I have never tried it" We went in and saw someone getting eaten by his own food, "I think that's the wrong way around."

"What did you put in that clam chowder?!" Leonardo yelled at the lady behind the counter.

"Clam chowder? This is an #@&£&2** restaurant," She told us.

"That wasn't even any language I have ever heard of," I said confused.

Leonardo dragged to the next one, and he screamed in horror "I thought bugs weren't allowed in the kitchen but there the ones cooking I wonder if they are cooking humans then" I got dragged away by a traumatised Zapp.

"I think that is ketchup" I looked at the walls and then a guy ran out with a missing arm that bleeding "Okay not ketchup" I concluded as they screamed high pitch behind me.

"Cute" I commented on a male fairy in a soup.

"IT ISN'T!!" Zapp pulled me away,

"Ramen this looks normal" I walked in and a gun was pointed at my face "I'm not eating a gun" I glared at the guy.

"IT ISN'T FOR EATING!!" Leonardo and Zapp this time ran while taking me with them.

"Maid cafe but buff men I'm out" I put my hands up and left for the next place.

"Why is each place so weird?!" Leonardo yelled with despair as we waited at a crossing.

"I don't get what the problem is," Zed told him honestly.

Zed and Zapp somehow started arguing and Leonardo fell to the ground exhausted he started yelling about a food God and then sat up "I have an idea of where to go."

Leonardo took us to a restaurant with humans and it is really fancy they poured wine for the boys and soda for me in a wine cup. They brought out normal human food like pizza, and we were about to happily dig into the food when a woman smashed the window with her bag.

"Zapp they must be here for you" I pointed at her.

"You promised not to come near here anymore," The chef stopped her.

"When are you finally gonna leave your wife!?"

"Drama" I sang as I ate the food and watched until Zapp picked me up and carried me out of the restaurant "It was just getting interesting they were talking about swapping dogs, so she would leave him alone" I whined.

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