what's this?~

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((I'm going to start this soon, I promise.))

You are an Omega, but instead of having one mate - two alphas fall for you. You where born an omega, and offered up by a dying out pack to a king in order to avoid genocide. To make things worse, you were born blind - so you had no idea what you were getting into, depending on your hearing for every detail you'll need to survive.

This is set in a fantasy AU, and their quirks are magic. Also, everyone in this universe are all part animal (nekos and such) including you.

Alpha one is Katsuki Bakugou, he's very...hot headed. He also abuses you physically along with mentally, believing that scarring you will make you be unwanted by others. He's also not just a normal alpha, but he is in fact the lead and king alpha of his kingdom and pack.

Alpha two is Shoto Todoroki. Born to  be the next leader of his kingdom and pack, he finds you infatuating. He doesn't care if your scarred, he actually thinks it looks good - and he has his own scars to match. You two meet during a diplomatic session, but he knew... You were his omega. He didn't know you were mated at the time, so he demanded his father to bring you to him. He's calm, but very possessive and father like. He doesn't abuse you physically, but he does take enjoyment out of watching you be abused, and will mentally abuse you.

What comes next?

A strange proposition, and a war (possibly) avoided.

Tune in,

Wartorn Mates is coming soon.~

BDSM warning, abuse warning, blood warning, rape warning, you name it warning.

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