"Something like that Mr Shelby" Aurora exhaled looking at him with wide surprised eyes.
"Who died?" Arthur frowned pushing his empty plate away "thanks for the breakfast Anne, beautiful it was!"
"No one recently Mr Shelby.....I'm visiting a friend"
"You call me Arthur sweetheart, none of this Mr Shelby"
The way Arthur beamed at her, his eyes full of kindness. It made Aurora feel warm, the same warmth she felt when Henry used to visit home. She decided that she like the two other Shelby's brothers, there was something about them that Tommy lacked, something she couldn't quite put her finger on.
Arthur and John had brought bits of them home whereas it was very clear Tommy had left everything in France.

"Want a ride love? Can't have you walking in the fookin' snow again" John nodded towards the window, his cheeks stuffed with bacon and bread.
"My car is just outside the office but thank you John" Aurora declined politely moving to put her coat on "I must be going! Mam do me a favour and come visit me tomorrow at the house, it's very quiet"
"Of course bairn! I'll ring you tonight and let you know what time" Anne chirped, excited at the prospects of being alone with Aurora, maybe she's open up more.

"I'll walk you to your car"
"No!" Aurora panicked as Tommy cleared his throat and stood up "I mean...it's ok Mr Shelby s'only round the corner"
"So we won't be long" he muttered lighting another cigarette before walking around the table and offering his arm.
Aurora wondered in humour if he went a minute without a cigarette in his mouth. Feeling her Dad's glare she decided to do the right thing and take his arm.
"Thank you"

Her face was growing hot again!
Aurora was very aware of the heat from his skin seeping into her hand. His smell took over her senses knocking her into a dazed state. It was whiskey and cigarettes mixed with something almost sweet, Aurora enjoyed it and found herself breathing him in as much as possible.
Unknown to her, Tommy was doing precisely the same thing but instead of taking her in he choose to turn his head.
Grace had favoured floral perfume, he had tasted it on her skin the times they had intertwined their bodies and became one. The little mouse smelt like tropical fruit and earth, it wasn't Grace yet Tommy didn't find himself against it.

After quick goodbyes the pair made their way into the street and began to walk in complete silence. It was snowing lightly and reaching out with a free hand, Aurora smiled.
Pure was the word Tommy thought of as he looked down at the joyful mouse. In this moment every nightmare, every scream flew from her mind and was replaced by a woman who enjoyed life. Something as easy as snow had distracted her and revealed a whole new person.
He like her smile he decided.
It would be enough to make any sane man fall to his knees but Tommy wasn't a sane man.

"I heard you"
Aurora's smile dropped as well as her hand and flicking his cigarette into the street Tommy decided it was time.
"Heard what?" She questioned, afraid of the answer but instead of hiding Aurora slowly lifted her head and looked at him.
Tommy was staring back knowingly and resisting the urge to bring up the lump in her throat, Aurora swallowed it instead until her eyes stung with tears.
"You have nightmares"
There it was!
"Everyone has nightmares Mr Shelby"
"Not everyone screams in their sleep but you do" Tommy tutted at her like she was some misbehaved child about to receive a shouting.

Aurora was upset.
He hadn't offered to walk her for safety reasons, he had been meaning to pry into her life. In a way she felt betrayed, she should of expected something like this.
"You're very forward Mr Shelby" she bit out, ripping her hand from under his arm and storming forwards.
The corner was coming up, she would make a run for it and get away from this man.
"Yep" Tommy acknowledged picking up his pace until he was beside her again, Aurora was furious and he refused to care.
He came for answers and he would get them.

"Mr Shelby please leave me alone"
Aurora's voice cracked, she was so close to crying and it was going to happen in front of him.
"He must have meant a lot....Bill"
Hearing his name slip from Tommy's lips, Aurora spun round on him and glared just as the first tear slipped down her frozen cheek.
"Don't say his name!"
"Tell me who he is and I won't mention him again mouse" Tommy ordered amused by her reaction, women and their sensitivity.

"If I haven't told my parents, what on earth thinks I would tell you! A stranger!"
Once again Aurora stormed off only to stop and laugh brokenly.
"You have no right Mr Shelby. You came here for business yet you seem content on torturing me, why? Do you not have other things to be doing or am I just some passing amusement?"
He had went too far and looking into her eyes, Tommy felt something he hadn't felt in a while......pity.
"Listen mouse......"
"No just go away, please Mr Shelby"
And with one last glance, Aurora slipped round the corner and disappeared from sight.
"Fuck!" Tommy groaned looking up at the sky before turning and heading back to the house, he would find her later and deal with the issue then.

Aurora slamming the car door leaned her head onto the steering wheel and sobbed. Gripping the sides she imagined it was Tommy's neck. She hated that he knew, she hated the fact he had been the first person to call her out.
Angrily wiping her tears, Aurora started the car hoping that when she got back the Peaky Blinders would be gone.

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