Steve and Bucky walked to the Rogers residents in a comfortable silence. Talking occasionally about what was going on in the world, but neither of them really paying attention.

Steve was thinking about his parents. While Bucky was thinking about the sleeping girl he was carrying. How even when she was a crying mess she was still beautiful. How when she is nervous she trips over her words. Or when she lies about something she makes it obvious by either laughing or sounding sarcastic.

Everytime he heard her name, hell whenever he saw a short blonde girl his heart fluttered like an insane butterfly, thinking, hoping it was Stella, his Stella. His thoughts have been consumed of entirely her. Whatever she had said the previous day, wondering what she was wearing right at that moment, and whenever he had to make a decision about God knows what, he would think 'What would Stella do?' The boy was head over heals for his best friends sister, and the interesting part, he didn't even know it. Well until Steve interrupted his thoughts.

"So, I've noticed lately, that you and Stella have gotten closer. I was wondering if you had feelings for her?" Bucky gave a confused look to his friend, "I know I know, it's a weird question but I just see the way you look at her, it's the way my parents used to look at each other."

Bucky let out a sigh, "I'm not sure what I feel. Ever since your fathers passing, when we figured out that I was the only one that could calm her, I haven't been able to get her out of my head. And I'm not sure why, but I know that I care about her. I mean come on she's my best friend."

"Thanks pal," Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes at his friend.

"You know what I mean. But I'm not going to act on it because I know she doesn't feel that way about me now, and probably never will."

"Jeez, she has really made you soft."

"More like the opposite" Bucky mumbled quietly, but not quiet enough.

"Ew, Bucky, Bucky, why did you say that? God! That's my sister." Steve yelled probably louder than he should have, as both the boys were now getting judgemental looks, "Ok, nevermind that, what happened to the Bucky I know? The one that wasn't afraid to take risks?"

Bucky thought for a second, "I'm not sure, but I don't want to ruin whatever Stella and I have now. Whether it's a friendship or something more. So I'm not going to do anything. I'll let fate take the wheel on this one. And no matter what you have to say about this, my decision isn't going to change, and I'm not going to let my feelings for her get in the way of her happiness."

"Whatever you say."


Bucky looked to Steve, "What do I do now?" he asked, hoping the blonde knew what to do. He don't want to loose any chance he have to be with her, and Bucky especially didn't want to lose her friendship.

"Well, if I'm not mistaken," Steve trailed off, "you're the only one who can comfort her. Even when she is mad at you," he shrugged, "just talk to her," Steve suggested, Bucky immediately starting to run out of the ally. "Wait, give her a minute to cool down so she doesn't go off on you. I'll walk with you," he said, catching up with the brunette, "Also, what's in your pocket?"

"It's what I want to do for my last night with you guys," Bucky said, pulling the flyer out of pocket and handing it it Steve

"Okay, but what is it?" Steve asked getting slightly frustrated.

"A flyer for the Stark Expo. We're going to the future!" Bucky said excitedly as he wrapped his arm around Steve's neck and pulled him in the way of the Rogers home.

After the fifteen minute walk of talking about nothing important, the duo reached the small apartment sized house that the twins got after Sarah passed. They walked in and immediately heard Stella's muffled crying.

Bucky's heart broke when he fully processed that he was the cause of her crying. The brunette ran into her room as fast as he could, knocking a few things over on the way which Steve threw his arms up in protest to.

When he reached Stella's room, he saw her laying face down on her bed, in one of his old shirts and a pair of pants he was pretty sure were actually Steve's. Her other clothes were on the floor, her original shirt soaked in the front with tears.

He cautiously walked over to her and sat on the edge of her bed, starting to rub light circles on her back. A minute later she turned on her side, wiped her face and sat up. She wrapped her small arms around him from the side, Bucky picking her up and put her on his lap so he could bury his head in her hair, pulling away few minutes later.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to be mad at me." Bucky apologized, wiping her cheeks free of any remaining tears with the pad of his thumb.

"No, I'm sorry. I over reacted. I shouldn't have yelled at you over something that you want to do," Stella apologized, leaning into his hand, "I just don't want you to get hurt, I can't lose anyone else."

"I know and I can't lose you either. You're way to important for me to ever lose." He told her, lightly smiling at her.

"Aww, that was cheesy," She said with a little smirk, "Got any salami for that cheese?" Stella continued, making him laugh at her comment, "No really, we're all out. I ate the rest before lunch." She gave a soft giggle and he buried his head in her hair to quiet his laughter, "I'm serious Buck," She said between laughs.

"I don't have salami, but I do have 3 tickets to the Stark Expo tonight," he said once they calmed down.

"Really?! I've wanted to go since forever!"

"I know, that's why I got the tickets. Now we can be nerds together there instead of here before I leave." Bucky said, putting emphasis on 'there' and 'here', "Now get ready, we leave in a few minutes, and I don't think you want to wear my shirt out in public," he told her as she blushed and looked down.

"I don't know what to wear!" She groaned, "I would wear that," She looked at her clothes from earlier, "but there all wet. Ooh! Ooh! You pick out my outfit!" She exclaimed which made him chuckle again.

"Ok, but that means you have to get off my lap," Bucky told her. Stella pouted for a moment before smiling again,

"Stevie! Come here!" She yelled, Steve walking into the room seconds later.


"Can you pick my outfit? Please please please, big brother!"

"Why don't you or Bucky do it? He's better than I am at this stuff," Steve grumbled.

"Because, that would mean that I need to get up and I'm super comfortable right now. Please big brother? I'll do the dishes for a week."

"You already do the dishes," He blankly told her. Stella paused to rethink her deal.

"I'll do the laundry for a week."

"You already do that too." He told her again.

"I'll clean you room?" She said in more of a questioning tone.

"Fine, but only because my room is a mess and you do my laundry and I don't want any pink shirts." He told her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you," she beamed at him.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." He said to her trudging over to her closet, "what do you wanna wear?"

"Clothes?" She replied sarcastically but quickly apologised when Steve shot her a look. "What about a skirt with a long sleeve?" Steve pulled out a floral skirt and a yellow shirt. "Perfect! Thank you Stevie," she hopped up and grabbed the clothes, ushering the two boys to leave her room.

They got to the living room and Steve stopped walking, which resulted in Bucky tripping over him, "what are you doing pal? The couch is 5 steps in front of you," Bucky ask him, gesturing to the couch in front of them.

Steve turned around and looked me dead in the eyes, "when are you going to grow a pair and ask her out?"

ROGERS TWINS   •   b. barnesWhere stories live. Discover now