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I'm off to another mission involving Mitchell, this time along with Chuuya. I wonder, did someone else see what happened back at the rooftop?

My thoughts could still not forget what happened last night. And I think Chuuya hadn't forgotten as well. He would always end up staring at me, blushing at times. He's probably a little embarrassed after what happened.

"Oh? Chuuya-kun!" Dazai said in an annoying tone. "Hm? Smells like Violets." He sniffed. "That would be my doing." I raised my hand. They all looked towards me, then Atsushi instantly paled. "You're not going to kill us, are you?" He shook in feared.

"*chuckles* No, Atsushi. You're not our target this time. But Akutagawa might be here if you're unlucky." I said. "Stop hiding in the shadows, Poe-san." I called. A few footsteps were heard, then he was visible. "It's good to know you trusted me enough, Poe-san. I thought that I couldn't get you to come here if I didn't mention Ranpo, but I guess there's no need." I chuckled.

He answered many of our questions, sometimes even asking for more.

"*sighs* Thank you for answering our questions, Poe-san. I have one last question for you. Will you answer it, just like how you did during the last few times?" I smiled. He nods in approval. "Say, how are you here?" I asked. They all turned to look at me.

"What do you mean?" Poe said, slightly shaken. "You were tracked after the Guild's defeat by the government, as you can't be arrested since you never took a life or created much destruction. You were last seen in Denver, Colorado." I said. "The track finding was seen just 20 minutes ago." I added.

"That's ridiculous!" He exclaimed. I pull out my phone. "Recent track: Denver, Colorado, 7:25 Japan standard time, 3:26 pm, Denver standard time. So how did you get here?" I smiled. "*growls in frustration* Just shut up, you filthy woman...!" He glared.

"*chuckles* You never say things like that, Poe-san." I said in a low tone. "You're one of them, aren't you. The sentients."

He glares at me before proceeding to use his ability on us. I quickly interfered with my ability, forcing his space to shut down.

"How did you-! I thought that only Dazai can shut it down..!" Poe grumbled. "*smirks* Not even Dazai can hold me back, Poe-san." I said. "Let's take care of this guy, Chuuya." I got into fighting position.

A bunch of armed men surrounded us.

"Wanna fight against gravity?"
"Wish to be betrayed by your own surroundings?"

Poe panicked, sweating bullets. He knew he was up to no good. Chuuya adjusted his tie while I straightened my cuffs, eyes still looking at him like he was undefended prey.

We quickly killed him like it was a piece of cake eaten by a professional eater. The armed men were beaten in what felt like mere seconds.

"Phew. That's a good warm up." I wiped off the sweat on my forehead. "I still need an even better training though. Chuuya, wanna train?" I turned to him. "Didn't we just train yesterday?" He asked. "That was called a fight, Chuuya. And I lost, so how about a round two?" I smiled. "Yeah, I won. But if you didn't run up to me when I faked collapsing, I would have gone to the hospital..an area that balances out the force of gravity no matter what? Seriously? I can't even attack you with my ability while I was there." He frowned.

"Not even Akutagawa could devour my space, he would die before he could. *snaps fingers* I know! How about I train Akutagawa with that?" I smiled menacingly. Atsushi sweatdropped. "That's too mean, isn't it?" He asked.
"Pfft- mean? You're such a softie, Atsushi." I teased. "Anyway..."

I punched Chuuya but was blocked by his hand, then I did two 360° roundhouse kicks, hitting his head twice and knocking of his hat.

"Ability: Watashi no Basho Watashi no Rūru," I said. "Demon Snow." Suddenly, snow fell around the area covered by the flower, then he realized he was growing weaker. "Cosmic Harmony." I chanted, forcing the gravitational force to continuously balance itself. He was rendered unable to use his ability. "I won't be coming to your aid this time, Chuuya." I smiled. He looks at me, and smirked. "I won't be that weak this time, you hag."

I delivered several punches, knocking him airborne before giving him an axe kick right before his face touched the ground. He gripped on my legs and threw me to a nearby pillar, from which I recovered. "Payback time." I said as I came up behind him, the dust from all the rubble serving as concealment. I hugged his stomach real tight, deactivated my ability, and concentrated my Ryōdo Shihai to give me a boost, then flipped him backwards, leaving a huge dent on the concrete floor.

Using my ability to randomly teleport to confuse, I sought the chance to deliver hits to him as I teleported, until he had his grip on me, kicking me but was blocked by my kick. He locked my neck with legs, before putting all his weight onto me, making me fall backwards to the ground. I tapped the floor, signalling a surrender. He lets go of me and offers me a hand.

"Geez, you're really good at fighting, you know? You just trust me too much." He said. "You're supposed to trust your partner. It's a shame that some betray theirs." I smiled. "Let's go eat somewhere, I'm hungry." I said, walking off. Chuuya followed, asking me if I really was alright. I nodded, patting the dust off my skirt.

"They're the a power couple, what the hell." Dazai shuddered.
"Definitely not a pair you wouldn't want to mess with, death is guaranteed as soon as you invoke them." Kunikida said as he adjusted his glasses.
"I don't see them ever separating, letting of each other, anything involved with heartbreak this time around..." Dazai sighed.
"Unless.." Atsushi muttered.
"Unless...what?" Kunikida asked.
"Ah, it's nothing." He replied.

Sumire •|Nakahara Chuuya|•Where stories live. Discover now