Chapter 2: My first memory of being reborn

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My earliest memory of my new life was from the first moment that I opened eyes and saw a woman holding my baby form in her arms. She was running with me frantically through the forest as she held me to her chest, I could hear her heart beating violently inside her. In one arm she held me and in the other, she wielded a fierce-looking blade.

All I knew was that we were in peril, and the woman who was carrying me was doing her very best to try and save me from the men who were chasing us. I don't know how she managed to keep me from harm while evading all the arrows and spears that were being shot at us, but she did.

It was the middle of the night, but the moon was full and thus lit up the forest for us, but this unfortunately also allowed the people who were chasing us to easily keep track us as we sped in between the forest groves.

I had just been reincarnated as a baby and was pretty helpless in my state. All I could do was lay back and watch as this woman ran with me.

It was not long before we reached the edge of the forest which was, unfortunately, a death drop cliff at least a hundred meters above a forested valley with the shallow stream below us. If we jumped down to the stream, we definitely would die. If we stayed on top of the cliff, the people firing arrows and spears would kill us. We were at a dead end.

The woman holding me seemed like she was a warrior, from her armoured clothes to that elaborate dagger she was holding, I could tell she was probably a knight or a soldier or something like that. She was also noticeably beautiful with chocolate brown hair and bright green eyes, she had a kind of exotic otherworldly look to her that I had not seen back on Earth.

"This is as far as you go." Came a chilling voice from inside the forest.

"You took us for a good run I must say, but it's over now." He scoffed from somewhere in the darkness. He seemed to enjoy the feeling of having trapped us.

"Give us the boy." He was blunt with obvious irritation in his voice, probably stemming from having to run a good few kilometres through the forest. My little body stiffened in reaction to his unpleasant voice, and I let out a little baby whimper.

"Never!" Panted the woman who was holding me, she held me even tighter against her chest. I realized now how tired and out of breath she was. I could also see her shoulder from the position she was holding me in, and it had a disturbingly deep gash in it that was oozing out blood. I was sure that was not the only injury she had gotten from the mirage of blades that were hurled at us. Seeing as nothing had touched me, she had guarded me perfectly, sacrificing herself to take care of me.

"You won't have him!" She shouted at the man who was still cloaked in the woods with ragged breathing. "By My Lady's honour, I will never hand him over to you!" She howled at the man. I was feeling pretty grateful that someone would go through such lengths to protect me. But in this precarious situation, it seems like she would not be around to protect me much longer.

There was a long pause as we waited for the man to reply. Slowly a shadowy figure made its presence known from inside the woods. The man was cloaked in darkness and it was impossible to see his features, but I could feel a very menacing and furious aura coming off of him.

"Then die."

The man raised his gloved hand into the air. At that moment a whole troop of masked men revealed themselves from behind the trees and began firing arrows and spears at us.

My helper was as quick as lightning as she repositioned me in her arms and dipped her fingers into the gash on her shoulder. She then took her blood coated fingers and drew a circle on her left palm in blood and chanted a spell under her breath. Immediately a glass-like red barrier formed up in front of us which blocked all the arrows and spears.

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