"Who are you, and why are you asking this?"

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Walking towards the edge of Zora's domain, Link was trying to think of what he would say to the girl even. Should he just ask the stuff that Sidon wants to know, like her name and how many kids she wants? Nah. He'd probably get slapped right away.
Once he knocked on the door, the girl opened the door, and looked at him, obviously confused.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting visitors." She said, looking at the hero. "Is there anything you need?" She asked. Link nooded, and pointed at her.
"Me? Why do you need me?" She asked, looking at him, her eyes narrowing a bit. She wasn't angry, she just seemed even more confused now. Great.
Shaking his head, be took out a piece of paper, and wrote something down. He threw the paper at her, expecting her to catch it, but it only cluttered down, at her feet.
Uncomfortable silence filled the area between them, as he waited for her to pick up the paper. And when she did, she read it out loud. "I..went to git to know you? What?" She asked, seeing that the blonde only slapped his head, and shook his head.
He wrote something down again, and this time handed her the paper. "Oh. You want to get to know me. Sorry,  your writting is kinda...well..you know..." She said.
Seeing as the boy was looking at her blankly, she only looked around. Did he actually have everything right in his head? Decided to be nice , she just smile and said :

"Well. How about you come in, and I get us some tea, and I explain a few things then?" She asked. Link nooded, and walked into the hause, standing at the table. "Please, take a seat." She said, and once she turned around, she saw him just staring at the chair. Did he not understand what that saying meant?
Letting out a laugh, she just pointed to the chair. "It means sit down."

Once she made the tea, she started explaining to him what she liked, and once she was done, she looked at him. "Is there a reason you wanted to know this? There surely is, right?" She asked. "What is it? Can I know?"
Shit. He hasn't thought about it this far. Staying silent, Link stood up, and bolted out of the hause, leaving a very confused girl there.

Once Link was far enough, be began looking for the price. And once he found him, he got his attention by throwing a small pebble at him.
"Ow, what the-oh hello ther Link." He said, watching how the hylian got onto a crate, high up enough to talk to Sidon.
"Did you get the information I asked you to get?" Sidon asked, as Link nooded, and threw a paper, which again, landed at the Zora prince's feet.
You really need to stop doing this." Sidon sighed, as he leaned down, and picked up the paper. He began reading through it. "Your writting could need some work-HEY OW!" He yelled, feeling how link hit him. For a midget, he was pretty strong.
"Anyway. Now that we know what she likes, I need to meet up with her.." Sidon said. "Do you have any idea how we can make her meet up with me?" He asked the hylian, who just shook his head.
"How about I write her a letter, explaining where to meet me, and you hand it to her?" Sidon asked. Link only nooded.
Once Sidon finally managed to write a letter, and make him carry it, Link sighed. He , again, walked over to the hause, knocking on the door, and waiting for the girl to open it.
"Hello?" A feminine voice was heard, as she opened the door. "Oh, it's you again. Can I know why you ran off back there-oommgfff" she huffed, once the male pushed the letter into her chest, and basically ran off again.
"Wait!! I don't even know your name yet and you're writting me love letters?!" She asked.
But he didn't reply. He was a bit weird. Nonetheless, she opened the letter, and noticed that it wasn't him who wrote it. The letter had neat handwriting, and didn't have so many grammar mistakes.
She read it, and it indeed was a love letter. And a very sappy one at that. Whoever wrote this, was a hopeless romantic for sure.
She still decided to meet the mistery person, as they assigned a spot that had a lot of people around, so she wouldn't be in any potential danger.

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