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Johnny's POV

After I ran into that girl I went straight back to my coach and warmed up. I really had nothing to do other than warm up, so I decided to watch those who were performing before me. I grabbed my water bottle, telling my coach where I was going and headed up to the stage.

When I get there, I hear "Please welcome on the stage Mackenzie Frances Ziegler, contestant #241," over the loud speakers.

"Mackenzie. Maybe that's the Kenzie girl I ran into earlier" I thought to myself.

Let's see just how good she is. She walks onto the stage and introduces herself. An original song, that's pretty amazing. I haven't seen a lot of people who have sang an original song at this competition. Most people think that it's too much of a risk if the judges don't like their song. That's a pretty bold move. She starts to sing and I can immediately see how hard she has worked for this and how talented she is. The lyrics are pretty cool as well. She finished her song and bowed. She performed so well. She definitely deserves to be a part of the regional team and would fit right in...

I had no inspo for this chapter sorry. It's a piece of trash and it'll get interesting soon, but I needa write the small chapters and details like this first, or I can just skip to the interesting part and only make the same event happen from one point of view. What do you guys think? Also thanks for reading and I'm sorry for not updating often. I'll try to update more frequently. Thanks guysss. Sorry this chapter was a literal piece of trash :)

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