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Draco waited outside Hermione and Ron's room the next morning knowing later on in the day they would all go to Hogsmed, Hermione opened the door and let him in letting him sit in the bean bag chair

"What's Malfoy doing in our room?" Ron asked pulling Hermione closer

"Honestly weasley, if I wanted your girl I would have done something by now but as your lovely sister has said a while ago I'm gay" Draco rolled his eyes as Ron blushed leaving Hermione to giggle

"What did you want to talk about?" She asked sitting on her bed, Draco looked away from them blushing profusely

"I want to apologize for treating you like dirt." He said glancing at them

"I should have never made fun of, can I call you Ron?" Draco asked turning to Ron who looked pale

"I-I would prefer you not" he said awkwardly

"Well then Weasley I'm very sorry for making fun of you for so long, I understand if you don't forgive me, after all I don't deserve it, but I want to be friends, and if I can be friends with Harry I think I've got a great shot with you!" Draco turned to them and smiled, Ron nodded his head and smiled back

"And Hermione, I'm sorry for calling you a mud blood, and for making fun of you for so long." Draco winced at the realization of how bad he had treated them for so long

"I'm, so sorry." He said in a low voice, then Ron started laughing

"All right then mate!" He said getting up and extending a hand towards Draco

"You're not mad?" Draco asked confused at how well this was going

"Well no" Hermione added patting his back

"Besides" she continued making eye contact with Ron and smiling

"We know about you're crush on Harry" Ron chuckled as Malfoy fell back into the bean bag chair

"Who told you!?" He gaped as the two just smiled

"Oh." Draco said after some thought

"Parkinson" he gritted, the two doubled over laughing holding onto each other for balance

"Oh Merlin don't tell him!" Draco said blushing madly

"Of course we ain't gonna tell em mate!" Ron wheezed

"Huh?" Hermione stared at Draco who was babbling stupidly to himself

"Listen Draco" Hermione began

"We've known since the first day back, its been more than two months, go for it!" Hermione smiled as Draco sank lower into the chair

"But what if he says no? I've watched him coldly reject girls! We've just become friends!" Draco began to spiral into a infinite hell of 'what ifs' before Hermione or Ron could comfort him he lifted up his sleeve

"And this filthy mark! How could the golden boy even be friends with someone like me!?" Draco watched at the two of them physically winced at the sight

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" Draco quicky rolled down his sleeve as he stood

"I'll see you guys later then" he said as he began to walk out

"Malfoy!" Ron called, Malfoy turned back to look at the ginger

"You are what you want to be, not by the marks on your body or your actions in the past" Malfoy nodded and walked away into his room

"Wow that was, extremely poetic of you Ronald" Hermione gushed as she hugged her boyfriend

"Well hanging out with you has taken its tone on me" Ron chuckled

"You think they'll ever stop being as oblivious as you?" Hermione teased

"I don't know, maybe the rum will give Malfoy a lose tongue" Ron said stretching his limbs

"I'll go shower, I'm planning to have a nice day" he smiled waltzing his way into the bathroom

"Oh Ronald" Hermione laughed as she jumped into her bed gracefully and began to read about dark spells and how they've backfired before, she began to think about her parents how sad she was when she had to erase herself from their lives, and it ate her up inside. Maybe that's why she was so quick to accept Malfoys apology, she understood what it felt like the mess up so bad and not know if you could ever go back to that life, but she was happy her family was happy and soon her secret ship between Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter would sail. She sighed happily and began to read again

Later on in the day Harry and Draco were outside waiting for their friends

"Hey harry!" Hermione yelled happily Harry smiled fondly as he noticed her hands entwined with Ron's, speaking of Ron he was a blushing mess.

"His face looks as red as his hair" Draco whispered making Harry snort

"Shut up!" Harry wheezed trying to compose himself, Draco smirked and waved at his two new friends

"Hey guys glad you could make it" he waved as Harry was still trying to catch his breath

"What's wrong with Harry?" Ron asked, Draco smiled and glanced at Harry who shook his head rapidly

"I've seduced him" Draco winked as they all began to laugh

"What did you say?" Harry called

"Nothing" Draco called back as he saw Blaise and Pansy walk out together

"Draco darling!" Pansy called running up to him and hugging him tightly

"Geez pans" Draco wheezed as eveyone laughed

"Alright, already" Draco huffed pushing her away catching his breath

"Harry's buying all my rum so you all have to get drunk off of your money" Draco said crossing his arms they all looked af each other knowingly and nodded

"Wait we're getting drunk?" Hermione piped up glaring at Harry

"Well one of us is staying sober and it isn't me" pansy called as the rest of them nodded but Hermione

"Geez if I wasnt around you all would be lost in the forbidden forest!" Hermione face palmed but took her boyfriends hand anyway and led them down the path to Hogsmed. They all cracked jokes together and laughed and teased each other until they got to the pub.

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