"Thank you my sweet." You smiled at him.

"Please be careful next time. I might not always be here to catch you." Sesshomaru said.

"Why would you not be here all the time my love?"

"I will have my own stuff to do sometimes, too you know."

"Oh I thought you were going to leave me." You responded.

"I would never leave you my lovely." He hugged you tightly.

"My Sesshomaru, you are always my favorite demon." You smiled at him and hugged his waist. You then stole his feather boa and ran off.

"(y/n), you better come back with that or you will regret what will happen." He stated loudly enough for you demon hearing to hear.

"Well Sesshomaru you might wanna come after me then because I'm not coming back without you chasing me." You yelled back at him while still running away from him.

"*sigh* I now have to chase after her to get my boa back." He sighed out of frustration and chuckled at what he will do after he catches you. He was running for a while when suddenly you jumped onto him. You both crashed to the ground, you on top of him. You giggled as you were mere inches from his face. You realized this and started to blush madly. You were about to get up when Sesshomaru took hold of your face and crashed your lips against his. You were shocked as this was something he wouldn't really do but you melted in the kiss. He suddenly released you and had his feather boa. You pouted at him as he had stolen your first kiss and taken his feather boa back without you noticing.

"You jerk you stole my first kiss and took back your boa without me noticing." You pouted at him.

"Well maybe I can steal your second kiss too." Sesshomaru leaned down and kissed you again.

"I love this side of you ." You mumbled and went back to making out with Sesshomaru.


You were walking hand in hand with Bankotsu, when Renkotsu came up to him asking to see him for a second. You pouted slightly but let your boyfriend go with him none the less knowing he would come back to you. You waited around for him only to be still left alone. You started to walk around still waiting for your boyfriend to come back. You came across Bankotsu still talking to Renkotsu. You snuck up on them and hid in a bush to spy on them. You heard them talking about their girlfriends.

"I don't know how to kiss her and say to her I love her." You heard your own boyfriend. You were confused as to why he wasn't more confident with you to just grab you and smash his lips to yours. You still listened to them.

"Bankotsu, I have the same problem." Jakotsu comes up to them. You were puzzled as to why they can't just kiss their girlfriends. Suikotsu came up to them and joined the conversation.

"You are all just pussies. I have already kissed my girlfriend and didn't have to question when or how I would much less ask others how to do it. You guys should just kiss them and not think about it." And with that Suikotsu walked away.

"I guess Suikotsu is right we should just kiss them and not think about it." Jakotsu stated.

"He is right." Renkotsu agreed.

"Well I guess I should just go back to my girl and get that kiss I always wanted." Bankotsu started to walk away from the group. You were still hidden in the bushes, so you had to sneak back out of the bushes and go back to the spot you were standing at when he left. You made it back just before he came back. You waited for 5 minutes before he came back. You look at him and saw that he was nervous. You were about to question him only to have Bankotsu grab your chin and roughly smashed his lips into yours. You melted into it immediately. You were happy he finally got some balls and kissed you. You were so happy you started to just full on make out session with Bankotsu.

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