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So, My name is Jade Harley. As I've  said before hehe, anyway I'll probably be interrupted soon because of KarKat aka. KarKitty -JADE I HATE THAT NAME-  -SHUT IT KARKITTY- Ok anyway.  I'm 16 Years old and living in a high-tech tower on s Pacific island, happily separated with Davesprite and with KarKitty -AWH THATS JUST SO FUCKING SWEET.- ...Uhm Ya so that's really all I have to say for now so, Bye! -BYE SLUTS- -KARKITTY THAT WAS RUDE- -I DON'T GIVE ONE SHIT.- -GOG F-ING-

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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