Chapter 1: Comic Book Card Game Galore!

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When they open the door they see a big area covered in tables of point-dexters playing all the kinds of card games. The Walls are lined with comics from sorts of places, from the first issue of "The Amazing Spider Man" signed by Stan Lee himself, to the Spanish translated issues of "WatchMen". Al gasps in awe the conformity of everything. "See Al, this is why you should get out more, to see beauties like this; anyways no point of standing around, let's dive in!" "James Wait!......Jeez..." Al walks around the surprised by how spacious it is; It seems It's bigger on the inside. Al notices a room labeled " Tournament chambers" and decides to join in the festivities. He walks into twelve tables playing "Magic The Gathering" the card game; Al plays this game so much that he carries his custom deck around at all times just in case anyone wants to play a round. He sits down at the beginning table and works his way up the latter. After about an hour of beating many many people he makes it to the final/first table. "You know this place is pretty cool actually" Al said; "I've meet some really cool peoples, And you are?"

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