Chapter 1

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AN: I've wanted to do this for a long time. GoldenRose29 on originally began a story very similar to this, but they stopped and I would really like to continue it. 

Please note I am in no way affiliated with Buzzfeed, Buzzfeed Multiplayer, or Kelsey Impicciche.

Also, I will take a few creative liberties, just to make things a tad more realistic.


My name is Chelsea Impiccishmay.

Up until a few days ago, my life was pretty average. I lived in an average town with an average family. I was an only child and always dreamed of having a big, happy family with plenty of kids when I grew up. I've always been outgoing and cheerful, and my friends all say I'm a hopeless romantic.

Then came the day I saw the advertisement.

Do you love kids? Are you looking for a new purpose in life? Try the 100 Baby Challenge!

I read the attached article and was hooked. 100 kids? That was a lot, but I always had wanted a huge family. After thinking it over, I decided to do it.

I threw myself into this idea. I packed up and moved into a tiny house in Del Sol Valley. I had barely any money and no clue what I was doing, but I was ready. 

At least, I hoped I was.


I woke up at 8am on a Sunday. Today was the day I would start the 100 baby challenge.

What do I do first?  I wondered. I supposed it would be a good idea to meet a man, but I did need to get a job to be able to support my kids. After selling a couple items I didn't think I'd need, including my dining room table, I had enough money to afford a computer. I figured I could be a writer, I was always pretty good at that in school. I started a concept for a book called Tigers Don't Take Naps, then got up and went for a walk, looking for a man.

As I walked down the block, I spotted someone. Could this be it? But no, it was a woman. I did notice a man on the other side of the street, but the sunlight caught his wedding ring and honestly, his mustache was pretty creepy.

I walked up to the woman who had short blonde hair and was wearing a business suit.

"Hi, I'm Chelsea."

"Nancy Landgraab. Nice to meet you."

We chatted for a bit and I started wondering if she could be my wing woman. Asking if she knew any hot eligible men seemed a bit strange, so I asked if she wanted to go to the club.

"Sure." Nancy agreed and we headed off to the Orchid A Go Go.

I walked inside looking for a baby daddy. I spotted someone, but he looked awkward and about 70 years old. Should beggars be choosers? Just then, Nancy, who had changed into a fun orange skirt and boots swooped in to talk to him. I let her be and went to the bar.

As I sat down, I noticed the bartender was very cute. I think he could be it.

"Hi there, I'm Chelsea."

"I'm Marcus." He smiled. He was everything I'd dreamed of; tall, dark, and handsome. Muscular too. He must work out.

"How is your day going?" I asked.

"Pretty well. I enjoy my job." 

Wow, his voice is so deep and soothing!

Nancy sat next to me and ordered a drink. I tried to think of what to say next.

"Hey Marcus, you're really great at making those drinks." We could make something else together, I added in my mind.

Marcus looked flattered.

I looked around the bar and figured I should meet someone else as well, because I could only have one baby with each man. I noticed someone and sprang up, feeling very uncomfortably on the prowl.

I waved and the man walked over. "Hi, I'm Chelsea."

"I'm Dominic." He was cute too! 

Dominic sat down and soon I was talking to both him and Marcus. I had never felt so popular before!

I decided I may as well start flirting with Marcus. When he turned back towards me, I bit my lip and twirled a piece of hair around my finger, winking. He blushed and nearly dropped some of the alcohol he was holding. I smiled sweetly and he grinned back.

"You know, you're looking really fine." I half whisper so only he can hear.

He turns away. Oh no! Was I coming on too strong? I quickly backpedal.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so embarrassed."

He nods without saying anything. I quickly change the subject and ask about his interests.

Suddenly, there are a lot of cameras flashing. I turn and gasp to see Thorne, a celebrity walk in!

"Oh my god I love your work!" I shout. Wow, way to have some chill, Chelsea.

Looking closer at Thorne, I realize he isn't as cute as Marcus. I return to the bar and Marcus and I begin flirting. Eventually, I work up the courage to ask.



"Would you...kiss me?" I blush.

He looks surprised, then smiles. "Yeah."

He steps out from behind the bar and we move away from the crowd, looking at each other and then kissing gently.

"Wow." I whisper.

He grins, and then we kiss again, harder.

"You wanna come home with me?" I whisper in his ear.

"Uh huh."

I casually glance at my phone and gasp when I see my credit card balance. $97?! How much money had I spent at the bar?

Marcus and I head home and I decide to be straightforward. "Would you like to go to the bedroom?" 

He grins and we head inside.

"It's my first time, you know." I whisper as we change into pajamas.

After we're done, I'm about to go to sleep when I realize that I need to take a pregnancy test. I go into the bathroom and do the thing. My eyes widen when I see that it's positive! I'm pregnant!

I head back to the bedroom to see Marcus has gotten up and changed clothes. What do I do? Give him a high five? Ask to just be friends? No, that would be mean. I decide that I'll just tell him the big news.

"Marcus, guess what?"


"I'm pregnant!"

"Whoa. Wow." He seems a little shocked. I don't blame him.

After a few minutes he heads towards the door. "I should really get going."

"Ok, goodnight!" I call after him.

AN: Hope you enjoyed so far! I will be breaking up the episodes or else it will be very long chapters.

Tell me what you think!

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