Dirty ash imagine part 2

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After 2 hours later after y'all had both reached y'all's climax and laying there cuddling Ashton says damn babe you were so fucking good not bad yourself Irwin you said back to him

4 weeks later:

You were running to the bathroom all hours of the morning while you say there contemplating if you should called the doctor to see if there was something wrong but you got courage enough to pick up the phone and call the doctors they told you to come in for and appointment so you did so while you were waiting in the waiting room about 30 mins later the nurse came out and called you back well while you were sitting in the room waiting on the doctors all these thoughts were running through your head what if am pregnant what's Ashton going to do will he break up with me so you kept pondering this when all of a sudden a though clicks maybe I want tell Ashton maybe I'll keep it to myself then the doctor walks in he checks you out and tells your fine so your okay for the moment so you go to your local grocery store to get a pregnancy test and take it home and you were going to take it before Ashton got home well you were in the bathroom taking the test when all of a sudden Ash comes in the door babe he says as he's looking all over the house for you where you at? I'm in the bathroom you called trying to hide the test fast enough trying not to let Ashton see it what the fuck was that y/n as he looks at the trash can babe you said I thought I was pregnant Ashton's face turns blood red were you not going going to tell me that you were pregnant! Ashton you screamed I thought you were going to fucking leave me if I told you why would I leave you y/n I love you and I wouldn't. Change anything that we did 4 weeks ago that was the most amazing and Beautiful night of my life as he

placed his head on yours I love you more than anything you make me the man I am

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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