Chapter 2 - First Meet

Comenzar desde el principio

"Oh shit," I cursed. I think of calling back our parents that we reached the airport and now the flight is going to take off as we are longing toward the exit.

"Now what?" 

"I forgot that," I said. This brother of mine.

"What you forgot di," He asked again.

" Aree... Let me complete it. Always interrupting, to call back that we reached here safely and now the flight is going to take off, " I said. Uncle would have informed but my parents would be expecting a call from us.

Entering exit.

"Take this, have to call them," I said forwarding. He took my essential baggage from me and I searched for the phone. I always prefer carrying my essentials in a small bag while traveling other than my clutch. I went through the contact, clicking on call Mumma. It was ringing, she picked up the call.

"Hello, Mumma."

"Have you both reached the airport safely?" Here she goes.

"Yes, mom we are safe and the flight is going to take off now." Keep updating things that will be fine.

"Okay, have a safe journey, both stay close, when reached don't forget to inform first."

"Ok!!! bye bye bye.... I'll inform you about us bye." I hung up.

Hanging up the call and looking down to keep my phone safely in my handbag, I got bumped by something hard.

"Aauch..." My reaction. A wall!? Where does it come from? No, how stupid I am, it's a man. 


Avinash's POV

Someone shaking me slightly I can feel it. "Sir, wake up! It's morning, the flight is going to land now." Rubbing my eyes with my fingers and stretching my arms in the air, yawning, and finally, I opened my eyes and saw the air hostess asking Sohail to get up, he also awakened. I'm sure jetlag is soon going to hit us.

"Good morning sir," Says the lady with a pure, tired, and enchanted smile on her face. "Yeah, good morning." He greeted her back.

"Sir, you both get your seat belts we are going to land, we reached Delhi," She informed. I nodded.

We both got our seat belts and I peep through the window. The view was tremendous it was 6 am only it's pretty cool now. I mean the view.

We landed. We both left our seats and proceeded to get out of this place as Sohail said, "Finally, bro we are here in India, Delhi. Yass!" He is excited but shuttered for some seconds.

"Now what," I was behind him, I tried to go past him ignoring him, and proceeded forward looking for the phone in my jacket. I didn't get time to change before boarding the flight cause I came directly after a lunch meeting with a client. It's been a sporty day. He came running by me, "I mean that! Why we are in Delhi? Instead, we should be in Mumbai. Am I right or wrong? I guess I don't know." He let out a humorless laugh. "Go hell of your questions. I'm not interested in answering now." I said kind of rude. He is asking me after coming here. He is crazy. Didn't even pay a look at his ticket. "What kind of comeback that was? Fine, let it go." He said with an off smirk on his face glaring at me.

"Mom and Dad were here in one of their old friend's places so we are going to stay here only and by tomorrow's early flight we will be in Mumbai, actually know them too. I don't know if you remember them or not, let's get there." I said casually without any expression on my face trying to change a few settings on my phone.

"Ah! It hurts me that I have to wait for one more day to meet her, my Sharvni, I miss you my Jaan." He said all these in an overdramatic way. "Call her then," I suggested. As if he didn't know. "Won't disturb. She would be sleeping now." He said as a man would for his woman.

Oh!! I don't even know why I have this guy as my companion, he is dramatic and he could fall for one girl for a lifetime... But in reality, I envy him. Wish I could also be like him.

I mean kind of!

I called Mom and pressed the phone to my ear looking by my side and heading straight towards my way. Mom took up the call and talked about our well-being. Just about to hang up and then bumped into some soft figure on my chest, not actually soft through kind of. By the soft stupid presence, my phone slipped off my hand with a tackle sound, and heard another sound. "Aauch..." I heard it, it's sweet and soft as anyone can melt in it. Sink in it. 


Hey guys how's the chapter of the first meet?

Did you all like the way they met first?

Can you guess what will the next reaction of both of them ??

Let's see it in the next chapter 

Till then don't be so silent reader please like share and comment

Love from NEHA🤗

Just U - Falling in with you (Completed&Editing) ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora