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I can not believe the Dazzlings want to sing for good. Something fishy is definitely going on. No doubt about it. And is nobody going to mention the fact that Spikey Wikey- I mean *ahem*- Spike did not make an appearance.

I am beyond devastated! And was it just me but was Twilight forgetting who we were just a little out of character?! Honestly it's only me who pays attention to the little details! But no matter.

Apple Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the Dazzlings and Pinkie. Wait- did I jut say Apple Jack GRABBED MY HAND!? I guess I missed that BIG detail.

I guess she really wanted to speak to me. But why didn't she take Pinkie too? Oh well. I will never understand Apple Jack not now not ever.

"Rare. Ain't this just a bit suspicious. Ah mean ah know that the Dazzlin's wanna change but they ain't actin right." Apple Jack says to me as she starts her chores.

"I honestly have know idea why they were acting this way. When Sunset wanted to change she was more humble. These girls still are not." I point out to my dearest friend. She nods and hands me a basket for apple picking. I delicately start picking apples and we pick in silence.

Apple Jack doesn't trust anyone easily. Well not after Rainbow Dash and the sports team. She even admitted to me afterwards that she would keep an eye on Rd.

"So Rarity? I don't know if this is creepy but do ya wanna spend the night?" Apple Jack asks me.

"Why of course! I would love to!" I say grateful for my country friend's hospitality.

"Let me call my parents." I say to Aj. She nods and I call.

~Phone Conversation~

The phone rings for a ew times before my mom answers.

"Hello?"I can hear my mom say to me.

"Hi mom it's me Rarity."

"Where have you BEEN!? Your father and I were just about to call the authorities to search for you!" My mother screams at me.

"I was practicing with the Rainbooms and I've been helping Apple Jack with her chores." At this my mother makes a sound of disgust.

My mom has never really accepted me for who I am. She wants me to be a doctor and get a 'real job.' But the one thing she hates more then me is Apple Jack.

My mom wants me to be smart like Twilight, athletic like Rainbow Dash, quiet like Fluttershy, and fun like Pinkie Pie. But my mom doesn't understand that I'm not those things.

I think the reason my mom hates Apple Jack is because she has some family who are southern, like AJ, but they don't treat her 'nicely.'

So my mom, being irrational, hates AJ because of some family we have. And recently she has this hate for gays, bisexuals, and lesbians.

Another reason to hate on Apple Jack, with AJ being lesbian and all.

"You know I don't approve of that lesbian!" My mom screams at me. I can feel hot tears but I swallow them back.

"Mother I think you need to calm down. (I laugh and look over nervously at AJ who only looks confused.) I shall be fine. I am going to be spending the night at AJ's house. I have band practice tomorrow so I won't see you until around 3:00." I say to my mom knowing that I would really be home around 12.

"Ok dear. Don't think you've gotten out of talking about ugh Apple Jack. We're going to have a discussion about that. And don't forget to pick up Sweetie Belle. She's at Scootaloo's house." My mom says irate.

"Ok mom bye." I say ending the conversation not wanting to hear her say I love you.

~End of Conversation~

"So how'd it go?" Apple Jack asks me.

"My mom really hates you now more then EVER!" I say slumping down on a tree crying not caring if I smudged my makeup.

"Well your mom is a hater of everythin from what y'all been tellin me. She hates me, you, uhh bisexuals, gays, and lesbians. Huh imagine if she found out Rd or Flutters were bisexual. She would have a heart attack." Apple Jack says sliding down next to me. She wipes my face with her spare rag and helps me up.

I can't help but laugh.

"Well. I bought myself some time before I have to hear a lecture from my mom. One day though. I will run away and NEVER look back." I say standing more confidentially now.

"But for now sugar cube y'all can hang out at mah place. Sound fair?" Apple Jack teases me. I grab Apple Jack hand and watch her tense up and recover.

"Ok sugar cube."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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