Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is my new Louis fanfic!  Oh one thing, do you see that beautiful girl on the cover over there? THAT, my lovely readers, is my best friend in the entire world, JD. This story is dedicated to her! OK love you guys!! i  hope you enjoy the story :)

"Soo.."  says my best friend Caitlin excitedly. "are you excited?" she asks, wiggling her eyebrows at me. It's passing period and I'm at my locker, getting my books for my last hour class. "Are you kidding?! of course I'm excited!" I exclaim.

Today is my last day of 12th grade, and right after school, my best friend, who I have not seen in forever is going to pick me up, and bring me to London, to spend the summer with him and his band mates.

You might be wondering, why I used the word bandmates. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is JD, I'm 18 years old, I live in Doncaster, England, and I am best friends with Louis William Tomlinson.

I can still remember the first time I met him. He was 14 at the time, and I was 12. He was annoying as heck, but under all that annoying immatureness, there was a sweet guy, that would eventually become my best friend.


I'm 12 years old and not especially excited to meet my new babysitter. It was my parents anniversary and they wanted to go out for dinner, without me. I'd almost thrown a fit when they told me that my babysitter was going to be a 14 year old *gags* BOY!!

The doorbell rings and my mum gets it. "Oh hi Louis! come on in!" I hear her say. "Thank you so much for agreeing to watch JD, but watch out, she's got some attitude on her." she says. "I do not!" I exclaim, putting my hands on my hips.

My mum just laughs."good luck." she says. The boy walks into my view. He's tall, has dark brown hair, and blue eyes.My mum turns her back for a second, and the boy glares at me. I stick my tongue out at him. "Glenn!" she calls to my dad. "let's go! Louis is here!"

"coming!" I hear my dad call back, and he comes down the stairs a couple of seconds later. "Bye JD! Be good! And thanks again Louis!" my mum says, opening the front door, my dad following behind her.

"No problem Tiffany! you guys have a good time!" Louis says as she and my dad go outside, and close the door behind them. As soon as he's sure they're gone he puts his hands on his hips, and turns to face me.

"Listen kid,: he says. "I didn't choose to be here. I owe my mum money, so she made me come babysit so I could make enough to pay her back. Don't go thinking we're friends or anything 'cause we're not!" he says very rudely.

Me, being a sassy little 12 year old, replied by saying "Good! I wouldn't wanna be friends with you anyway!" Louis flops down on the couch and just sits there. "aren't we gonna do something?" I whine. "nope." he grumbles.

I cross my arms and sigh. "Look dude, you are getting paid to entertain me. Now entertain, or I'll make sure you don't get paid." i tell him, raising my eyebrows at him. He rolls his eyes, but a second later, his annoyed expression is replaced by a mischevious smile.

"You wanna do something kid? Lets do something!" he says. "You can handle scary movies right?" he says, pulling the movie "Scream" out of his bag. My eyes widen in fear.

I could handle a lot of things, but one thing i could not handle, was scary movies. I don't want to seem like a chicken, so I just act cool. "You bet I can!" I say sassily.

Louis snorts, and rolls his eyes. "Ok then, let's do this. where's a TV?" he asks. I lead him down to my basement, into the movie room. He goes over to the DVD player, and puts in the disc. I turn on the TV and we sit down to watch.

I'm trembling in fear, and the movie has only just started. Louis is just laughing like the movie is the funniest thing in the world. "I can't believe how fake that is!" he snorts, referring to the blood gushing from the guy's body on the TV.

All of the sudden, the killer jumps out, and I scream, and jump into Louis's lap. "SHUT IT OFF!" I squeal. "Ok ok, sorry." he says, grabbing the remote, and shutting the TV off. I'm trembling and crying in Louis's lap.

"I thought you said you could handle scary movies." Louis teases. "Don't make fun!" I sob. "Ok sorry, sorry." he apologizes, awkwardly patting me on the back. "Shh, JD, I'm sorry, it's not real." he comforts me.

I lift my head a little. "why are you being so nice to me all of the sudden?" I sniffle. He laughs. "You remind me of my little sister." he says. "And I know, I wouldn't want some teenage guy being mean to her. I'm sorry JD." he says. "It's ok." I laugh. That was when I realized what a sweet person he really was.

*End of Flashback*

After that day, when he would see me places, like the supermarket, or at the park, he would smile and wave at me, and it made me feel cool, to be friends with an 8th grader. He babysat me regularly when my parents went out, and eventually as we got older, we became best friends.

He treated me like a little sister, and whenever his friends picked on me, he would stand up for me. We were really close, until about a year ago, when he left for The X-Factor.

He got put into a band, One Direction, and today is one of the most popular bands in the world. I've seen him since then a couple of times, and met the other boys, and I FaceTime them now and then.

But I can't wait, because in less than one hour, I'll be heading on my way to London, to spend the entire summer with them.

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