Protocol 1122: Phase 3 (The End)

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Before the chapter starts. I would like to apologize for not being active at all. As of the time of writing this. It's been a super long time since I last opened Wattpad. But hey, this chapter has been uploaded to you to read right? Anyway let's continue where we left off.

After SA had ran off in the distance and the clash of swords and gunfire was heard. Everyone made their way towards the doorway on the right, as nothing bad was heard from the door. Not even Jack heard or saw anything out the ordinary from the door. Just as Gabriel took a step into the door a arrow flew from a hidden hole in the wall. Just barely missing his face from impact, Deanna grabs the arrow and inspects the arrows coated tip.
"It's not poison, but close enough." She warns,
"What is it then?" Gabriel asks
"A mixture that is like poison. But also leaves the person of impact with a stench that will attract a horde." She replies, unsure if that is all true, but it was close enough to what would actually happened.
"Okay, best we don't get hit." Jack states, throwing a rock down the hall to trigger the plates on the floor, which actually worked.
"Nailed it!" He shouts
Gabriel and Deanna notice Raven facepalming, and just shrug.

Deciding that the doorway still wasn't safe, they head towards the doorway that had sounds of clashing weapons. Only to again, find piles of dead bear-like beasts dead. Which was actually starting to become normal, seeing SA run off into a room. A loud gunshot is heard from his direction. But something about it wasn't normal, it wasn't the beasts normal gunfire that somehow always missed. It sounded like a dead on headshot. A Katana slides toward the group, hearing it from the dark, all draw their weapons.
"I'll look ahead." Jack says before vanishing from sight.
"That's new." Raven mocks, before getting punched in the face by Jack, a small whimper can heard from Jack punching the hard armor. But Raven still felt the blow.
"Case in point" he replies to the whimper.
"Now is not the time for arguing about what's new and what isn't. We got a task at hand and very little time." Deanna reminds them.
"Fine. Working on it. " Jack responded as he started sneaking towards the gunshot, he fired off his revolver at whatever hostile he found around SA's corpse, counting each individual kill like it was a video game.
"1, 2, 3, 4.... 12, 13, 14,15" he counted.
With his last shot hitting his last standing target, precisely between the eyes.
"16. That's all there was? At least he died fighting like he had wanted to." Jack softly spoke, "They will pay for all that they have killed, and manipulated for their will. I'll kill whoever did this if it's the last thing I do."

"Is it cleared Jack?" Deanna shouted down the hallway.
"Yes. We need to move now, it is important we finish this once and for all." Jack shouted back at Deanna.

After the party had moved passed the hallway. A foe ahead was watching them. As if he was waiting for them to arrive.

"Well well well. Look who finally showed up here. Sorry about your friend. But he was taking out my men, if it's him you want to avenge. All you have to do is kill me." The unknown female had said through her mask that was styled like a Kittsune styled mask. "Cause from what I saw. It was a very easy-"
"Bored!!!" Jack growls as he shot her in the face as well, afterwards putting his revolver in its holster on his hip. "Let's keep moving."

Finally reaching the heart of the beasts base, a place where the main battalions are, right smack in the middle of a whole army, the area Gabriel remembered from his nightmares. Slowly and surely they were surrounded. All of them had carefully picking their battles, tasking two of them for the smaller trash mobs, while the others focused on the higher ones. As time had passed, slowly growing tired from the beginning of the battle. A whole room the size of a football field was starting to overwhelm them. One by one. Each of them got picked off. First Deanna had gotten overran, not even her twin blade could help. The screams of terror was heard as she was piled on top of and dragged forcefully away. Only for it to grow quite as a bright flash was seen. Next to join her was Gabriel. But before the blight flash, Static had snuck in and sliced the beasts heads clean off. Checking Gabriel's pulse. "He'll make it." Static whispered over his radio. "As for the girl. She will have to possibly be put down."

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