An unforgettable Wish

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Hi readers, especially the silent free taker ones. 

This is for u all. 

Expecting an OS?  A beautiful imaginative but so hard to write story on our RagLak.

Why when u can't even vote? 

Maybe you are thinking, who am I to ask this being a writer who hardly writes. Fair enough. I agree I'm not an active writer but I am an active reader. I have read many stories here and have always appreciated everything the writer's wrote. I still yet have many pending but when I do read them, that golden star is never left blank. I mean c'mon, it's nothing to forget as it's always there. (First at the top then again at the bottom) how could anyone have missed it?

That's the thing. Some of u can't even bother to press it! My previous OS, (can always look back 🙄) I have made it clearly how a writer feels but now let me tell u how a regular reader (RR) feels. 

RR: (to author) Hi when will u update this story?

Author: The votes have decreased from chapter 3 to chapter 5. I don't think anyone's interested. Hence I'm putting it on hold.

RR: we love it and we'll always support u. *curses silent free readers*

Author: but this is discouraging. I write for the readers not for myself. I try to make it as great as possible so that they enjoy it and at least appreciate it. But some can't even do that. I feel to stop writing and leaving here.

RR: we understand but plz don't leave.

Author: but have they left me with any other choice?

(This wasn't meant to be anyone in particular but I'm sure this is what goes through every writer)

So free silent readers. Have u left us with any choice? 

Being a SuKor writer, I understand why the votes have decreased. That's cuz the fandom has totally broken apart. But RagLak. RagLak fandom still unbreakable since 2016. Why the votes are decreasing in this fandom? There must be a suitable reason and plz do go ahead and comment the reason. I would feel delighted to reply back but only and seriously only if it's valid.

Too busy? Oh plz, Ur fingers aren't gonna run away in desperation if u just press a simple button. If u have time to read, then u obviously do have plenty of time to press a star at a top right hand corner. It's like half a millisecond!

Still not convinced? I dare u to start a story.. Or even better, transform to a regular reader n give that vote! Then you will definitely understand and empathise with us. 

Writers go through a lot. We have work, school, college! Some readers get angry coz writers don't update. Hello n wake up! We can't write stories if we don't go through education. Neither can u! We r many here, some going through exams, some wanting to achieve their dreams, some taking care of their family and some even saving someone's life! 

We don't have time to update but when we do, WE DO UPDATE!

I'm speaking from the behalf of every writer and regular readers. Writers love to write but it's frustrating when u don't appreciate. Regular readers love to read but they get frustrated when they are always appreciating and free readers make their fav stories to be put on hold.

imagine u were either of them. How would u feel?

A writer with over 1k followers. But only 43 votes on a story which had originally 60+ Votes. Is this fair when they write like over 3000 words everytime?

A writer who lost her first account and now started a new journey. Tried to write her original stories again only coz readers asked for it but then got rid of them coz of the votes. Maybe u have read it already but knowing what they went through, u couldn't support  them? Why waste their time in the first place?

A regular reader who always wants to help those writer by tagging everyone they can but even then, their efforts are spoiled. Do u have any idea how they feel even when they bother to tag? Maybe you're not tagged, but u do see it right?

A writer who writes but never mentions that they are bothered about the votes. But even then, they always are because that's what encourages them to write more. None of us write coz we want to. It's a way of connecting with u all.

I don't know what to say more. I could also tag everyone here but that's not what anyone wants. It's about u! U taking the initiative to actually PRESS A STAR!





It's not difficult! Get the rhythm!



If words don't help, then get the image: JUST PRESS THE STAR!

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