f i f t y n i n e

Start from the beginning

I watch as Vera and Penn glance at each other slowly, roll their eyes and then slowly get up from the table. Penn kisses her boyfriend on the head, picks up her last slice of toast and the two strut away from the table. They exit the dining hall giggling, no doubt making fun of the three girls. Their seats are quickly taken. 

I couldn't see Chase's face but I could tell he was talking to them. He makes them laugh. He makes them smile and he makes one of them lean across the table and place a kiss to his cheek. I push to my feet and down the last bit of my orange juice. 

"I'm going to class." I grumble angrily and wipe my mouth with the back of my hoodie sleeve. Aggressively, I pull my denim jacket and backpack from the back of my chair and storm out of dining hall. I was moving to fast that I didn't even notice the body on the other side of the door. I stumble back and mumble out an apology, "Shit, I'm sor—it's you." 

"Of course it's me, baby." Luke grins down at me. I glance around the courtyard, noticing those students left watching as they head to glass. I wrap my arms around myself as a chilly breeze sweeps past. "How was your sleep? Did you dream of me? I certainly dreamt of you." 

"If you're there it's a fucking nightmare, Luke." I retort back sharply and bitterly. I then turn to leave, "I've got to go." 

Luke reaches out and grabs a painful hold of my arm. He tsks his tongue, "Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn't do that darling." 

"What do you want Luke?" I query as I turn to face him and rip my arm from his grip. 

"You, always you." Luke smiles as he brushes a strand of blonde hair out of my face and behind my ear. 

"Get this through your thick skull. I'm not an object you misogynistic ass hat. You can't have me." I hiss venomously and subconsciously take a step back. Everytime I was near him, it was like alarm bells went off in my head telling me to get the fuck away from him. But I couldn't. I was stuck. 

"That's where you wrong, Hayden baby. I can have you and I will have you." He grins down at me in a extreme predatory manner because that's exactly what he was; a sick fucking predator. "Now, have you eaten yet tod—" 

The doors into the dining hall push open and out stumble Chase and one of the girls from the table. Chase's arm was around the shoulder of the girl as she snuggled into the side of his body. Their laughter sobers up instantly when my gaze locks with Chase. 

A moment of silent passed between us. Two. 

Then Chase scoffs as if amused at the sight of Luke and I together, tears his eyes from mine and storms past us. The girl makes eye contact with me and begins to giggle in an annoyingly high pitch. I take a deep breathe to calm myself. At least it's not Lea. That's a brightside—incredibly dim, but it's there. They walk off and my eyes follow them. 

"I'm over here baby." Luke says as my eyes slowly swivel back to him. 

"Is this what you wanted?" I question as I gesture an arm in the direction Chase and his new girlfriend had gone, "Are you happy you fucking psycho?" 

"I told you not to call me that fucking word!" Luke rages as he takes a step forward. I stand my ground and narrow my eyes as I stare up at him. Luke was struggling to contain himself and instead runs a hand through his hair and whips around. He takes a few steps away before returning to me, "You know I don't like the word very much, baby."

"And you know that I don't give a shit." I hiss back before adjusting the strap of my bag. I take a step back, "I've got to go to class." 

Thankfully, his psychotic brain is sane enough to let me leave and I storm across the courtyard, keeping my head down and I aggressively place my headphones into my ears. I press play on my Sad Boi Hours playlist because that and chocolate milk is the only way I'm going to get through this day. 

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