"Niall!" Louis yells running over to me. I look up and he sees me crying.

"What happened?" He asks.

"On the day she- well you know, She was chased by men all the way to our hotel. If she got caught by them she would've been-She could've been............" I said choked by my tears.

"Oh my god....." he says.

"Its all my fault, I shouldn't have let her walk!" I shout at him.

"Instead of yelling at yourself you should be in there comforting your girlfriend! She is the one who had to go through this! Don't you think it's hard for her to think about?! You need to go talk to her......now" Louis says.

"Your right." I get up and walk back inside. Everyone's eyes are on me. I walk back into her hospital room.

"Niall....." She says looking up at me from her bed.

"I'm sorry for running out on you....you didn't deserve that." I say going over to her.

"It's okay Niall, I probably would've done the same.." she said back. I could feel everyone's eyes watching us.

"I am picking you up for now on though...." I said.

"Okay" She said laughing and crying at the same time.

"Shh.....please don't cry..." I said to her. I look into her eyes. She's so beautiful. I want to spend my whole life with this girl. Then It hits me....I love her.

"Kayla, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met. On the inside and out. And I have fallen in love with you. Now this might be the cheesiest thing ever but.....You and all your little things are perfect, and I love you" I say.

"Niall, I love you too." she says in between sobs.

I lean in towards her and smash me lips onto hers. She eventually kisses me back, wrapping her arms around my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist. We get a few 'awws' and 'thats so sweet' from the girls. I get a few 'get a room' and 'yeah Niall' from the boys. Standing here kissing this girl is perfect. I wanted to stay this way forever.

She pulls away, but I wanted more. Before I knew what I was doing I smash my lips back onto hers again. I put my hands around her neck, pushing her into me.

"jeez, Let the girl breathe Niall" Liam said. I finally pull back and look at her. She starts to blush. She is so cute! I love her.

"I love you..." I whisper in her ear while hugging her. The nurse walks in.

"Okay, we have prescribed you some pills to take for the headaches you'll get from time to time. But you are free to go." She said.

"I have to go to the bathroom first." She said. I watched her walk into the bathroom and close the door.

"Remind me to teach you how to actually snog later." Harry says. Everyone just stares at him for a while ,and then we burst out laughing.

"Seriously" he says making me laugh even harder. Kayla steps out of the bathroom and gives me a weird glance because I'm laughing.

"What did I miss?" She asks.

"Nothing.." I said stopping laughing.

Kayla's POV

The kiss was perfect. I wish It didn't have to end. I'm sitting in the car just looking out my window. I was lucky to have made it out of that situation. Most girls wouldn't have. That's the worst part.

"Hey, what you looking at?" Niall says wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Nothing really, just thinking. Whats your favorite part about being outside?" I asked.

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