The Meaning Of Family

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"Where's the stake," I demand, hitting Alaric for what must've been the fiftieth time. We were lucky enough that when Alaric woke up, it was his evil side. I've been hitting him and demanding to know where the stake was ever since. Rebekah, Klaus, and Stefan are standing outside the cell in case Alaric decided to make a run for it, though I really doubt it in his present condition. His nose is broken and bleeding. He has cuts and bruises on his face from being hit. Stefan had taken Alaric's ring so that the fear of death would be real to him. He's coughing up blood, but he presses on.

"Keep going," Alaric teases, "I'll never tell you where the stake is."

I sigh before I take the last step. I'm done hitting him; I need to step it up. I drag Alaric into a choke hold and place my right hand across his head. "I'm going to kill you in three seconds if you don't tell me where the stake is," I say, ""

"It's in the Lockwood cellar," Alaric confesses milliseconds before I was ready to snap his neck. I sigh before I let go of Alaric. He drops onto the ground, coughing up more blood. I look to Rebekah and Klaus.

Rebekah sighs, "I'll take him to get the stake."

Klaus nods, "I'll call Kol and Gwen." Rebekah takes Alaric by the neck and shoves him out of the cell and up the stairs. The rest of us follow them and stop in the kitchen. Klaus continues into the living room where he then dials Gwen's number. Stefan and I remain in the kitchen staring at the floor.

"When are Damon and Elena supposed to come back," I ask without tearing my gaze from the ground.

"I don't know," Stefan admits, "they're hiding from Kol and Gwen."

"Why," I ask.

"When they went to get Jeremy they ran into the two of them," Stefan explains, "it ended with wooden bats in their hearts. Damon wants to wait a while before they start to move again."

"They're not going to make it back to Mystic Falls alive if Gwen's after them," I say, "piss Gwen off once you deal with her wrath for all eternity."

"Is that what you did," Stefan asks me.

I sigh, "It wasn't exactly my fault. It was a long time ago. Gwen had a boyfriend, but he was murdered."

"By who," Stefan asks.

"Damon," I answer, "it was when Damon had his humanity turned off. Gwen's blamed me ever since then."

"How did you know it was Damon," Stefan asks, "Damon hadn't known Gwen back then."

"Because I was there," I say, "Gwen and I had decided to take a little trip to New York City in 1912. We didn't know that Damon was already there terrorizing the city. Gwen had planned to meet her human boyfriend there. She was going to Turn him when he was ready. We were walking to the restaurant where we were supposed to meet him when we found them. Damon feeding on him, draining his body dry. I did everything in my power to hold Gwen at bay until Damon had disappeared. That was the night Gwen turned her humanity off and it hasn't been on since."

"How did Damon not recognize you," Stefan asks.

"Damon doesn't remember anything from that night," I say, "he was drunk and bloodthirsty. Gwen didn't realize that it was Damon until a month later when she tried to kill me."

"She tried to what," Stefan asks.

"She tried to off me," I repeat, "she barged in the plantation house back in New Orleans with a stake in her hand. Luckily, Elijah and Klaus did everything they could to stop her. When she was convinced that her brothers weren't going to let anything happen to me, she fled. That was seven years before Mikael arrived in New Orleans."

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