We Arent Dead Yet

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You know those science fiction shows and movies where the guy dies and he is somehow resurrected through a computer or he's like turned into a robot. They aren't entirely false. Just meet my family.

My family is different, and what I mean by that is we are all assured to live through a devastating death. And right now your probably like "what!" So just let me explain.

I'm somewhat of an unknown technology genius, I don't contribute to society with my advanced technology, I keep to myself and to my family.

Your probably now wondering where I'm going with this story so here we go. I've died. Others in my family have died. My whole family has died together. We all died at some point because of a traumatic death.

Here comes the technology part, I've come up with a system that technically moves our consciences to another body... Our own body of course, But it's not the same body we died in, I guess you could call it an empty clone. Our consciences and memories are always being uploaded to a file, then uploaded to a USB. It's constantly being changed and updated to be perfectly identical to us, and it has every memory from the day of our births to the day of our "death".

You know those empty clones I was talking about they aren't alive and conscience but they are alive... Does that make sense. No ok well anyway, they are modified to have no conscience so they are empty, they are kept alive in a coma like state and they are hooked up to a machine that keeps them alive.

A signal sending device has been implanted into the brain of my family members and it is always sending out a signal for as long as there is brain activity. When we die the

Device sends the the last moments to the system and then it stops when the brains activity ends. This is when the androids (humanoid robots) prepare the empty clones for actual living. The bio fluid is drained from the capsules and they are disconnected from the life machine. This is when the androids set the machines docking system timer for USB docking. When the timer hits zero the table holding the bodies rise and stop at a certain level, then the back of the capsule opens and a robotic arm implants the USB into the USB dock. After this process the body is somewhat programed to upload the data to the brain. Once this is complete the robotic arm retrieves the USB and the bodies take about 5-10 minutes to download and wake up.

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