Having no more appointments for the balance of the day, she decides to head out and off to her gym in time for the early kickboxing class.

Kelley POV

Across the city

Kelley and her friend and sometimes teammate on the United States Women's National Team (USWNT), Emily Sonnett are grabbing some lunch together after just completing a training session.

"Is your Mom talking to you yet?"

"Yeah, I think after the initial shock of being informed that her daughter was getting married, to a stranger, on a reality show wore off, she started to come around. She gave Erin quite the earful about it though."

"I can understand that it was after all, mostly her idea to help boost your image."

"Sometimes, I wonder if it was a bad idea for hiring her as my image consultant."

"Oh, it most definitely was! But hey, maybe that's why you are making bank, and I'm not."

"Maybe you should take my place on the show?"

"Not a chance, my family would disown me if I ever even thought about doing something as stupid as marrying a stranger for money."

"It's not just about the money, Sonny, maybe I will finally meet the one."

"The one to share your bed for a couple of months before you kick her to the curb?"

"You know what I mean."

"I do, but I've never heard you say it before; you're always about the looks and the lay."

"Thanks for making me sound shallow."

"Aren't you?"

"Remind me why we're friends again?"

"Because Erin pays me to hang around you, that reminds me I didn't get this month's payment yet."

"Shut up, Sonny! This is why you're not in my bridal party."

"I'm hurt! But I guess I understand why you chose Erin to stand up with you."

"You guess? She's my sister you dumbass; I would have never heard the end of it had I not chosen her."

"Have you told the rest of the girls yet about what's happening?"

"Yes, and swore them all to secrecy, the network doesn't want my participation in the show to get out yet. The world will find out after the episodes have been taped."

"Can't believe your offseason will consist of you getting married to someone you don't know and then having cameras follow the two of you around as you do get to know each other. What happens if you end up hating each other?"

"Then it will make for some good ratings, I guess. Anyways, I should get going, thanks for training with me today; I was getting tired of just using a stand-in all the time, and appreciated the upgrade to a dummy."

"Hey, did you just call me a dummy?"

"I called you an upgrade."

"That's still not nice, KO!" Kelley laughs and shakes her head at Emily.

"I need to get home and grab a nap, I made plans with a brunette I met at the gym the other day, and I'm hoping it leads to a long night ahead if you know what I mean." Kelley winks at her.

"Just remember you're soon to be married, you can't be doing that kind of stuff anymore. What am I saying, have fun; I'll see you later Kel."

"Bye, Son."

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