"The current king doesn't like it but people do it anyway and after so many years, he gave up on trying to persuade them. I could almost call them desperate. I kinda feel jealous."

   "Why would you be jealous?"

   He contemplated on how to answer. "Wouldn't anyone want to have a whole kingdom in search for you? Must make you feel real important."

   Xeha stares into the water and says, "I guess so. But it does seem a bit creepy in its own way."

   The raven laughs loudly and sighs. "Now that you mention it, it is kinda disturbing. I mean, it's already been eighteen years."

   The silver hums quietly. After a minute or two of thinking, he turns towards his friend with a look of hesitation. "There's something I think I should tell you before it's too late."

   Sensing the atmosphere, he became serious as well. "I'm listening," he said attentively.

   "I just found out today too so I have a hard time believing it myself." Inhaling deeply, he spoke, "The lost prince is—"

   CRASH!! The explosion of a firework cut him off. Through all of it, Eraqus raised his voice to ask, "Can you repeat that?!"

   The blasts continued and because of his reluctancy, the two came to the silent agreement of talking about it later— not like they'll need to though. This time, Xehanort helped paddle to the shore with him after he found another pair of oars conveniently under his seat.

   As the younger jumped off and made remarks on how late it had gotten, the latter narrowed his eyes at the woods in front of him.

   "Something wrong?"

   Eraqus' gloominess instantly melted as he smiled at him. "I could totally eat a whole cow right now. Hey, hey, let's go get some burgers to eat!" he says, pushing him gently towards the bridge.

   "Huh? Oh okay?"

   And so, the two set off to look for an open restaurant.

   In those thick trees, a boy with hair, dark as the night, stepped under the soft light. That young soldier was accompanied by a knight in bronze.

   "Very well, young knight. I can see why the king puts his faith in you."

   "No, it's just my duty." Yet again, he had betrayed his only friends. Friends? They were supposed to be traitors of their own kingdoms, right?

   But why couldn't he accept that?

   Suddenly, a voice. "Ah, it's a disappointment that I was correct."

   Turns out that the followers were also being followed.

   "Show yourself!" growled the bronze knight.

   After a long pause, the sound of footsteps crunched on the gravel and gradually became louder. Vanitas' words were clogged in his throat.

   "You've grown up, Vanitas." The blond stared at the onyx with eyes of a trapped sky then sighed. "But this isn't what I expected of your future."

   After they finished eating, they were about to return to the hotel only to remember that it was only up for one night until it was offered to the next person. Eraqus felt like an idiot for not having anymore money because he spent it already and Xehanort felt…agitated.

   Curious, he brings his hand to his chest and lightly furrows his eyebrows. His lungs felt small and his heart was beating so hard. Why? He thinks he might know the answer...

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