Platnean War

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It all started in Brazil's desperation for fertile lands

June 7, 1952

Due to Amazon can't be cut down due to fear the collapse of Ozone Layer, Brazilian Government demands the annexation of Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia. They have 5 days to respond.

With the demands released, 3 said nations are now requesting help from UN but thanks to Brazil's bribery on UN, they can't do anything...

Until Aurelia publicly announces they will protect Bolivia, Uruguay, and Paraguay from Brazil's threat

With that said, the world shocked by Aurelia's actions

And it clearly made Brazillians start to sweat considering their performance in Korean War

However, they are still confident, and then the demands extended to Aurelia

-June 9, 1952

Aurelia, thanks to political maneuvers, managed to get an alliance with Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay against Brazil. Aurelia is now silently moving its troops on Brazilian borders.

Yugoslavia pledges to support Aurelia and sends 4 divisions to help

USA and USSR (Although begrudgingly) sends support equipment to Aurelia to contain Brazillian threat (And as well both of them plan to split Brazil in Germany esque split)

And with that, Aurelia is ready to defend if needed.

-June 12, 1959

With deadline reached and Aurelia's refusal, Brazil declared war on Aurelia, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

At first, Brazil breezed through Bolivia and Paraguay despite stiff resistance however, their attacks on Uruguay and Aurelia itself came to horribly wrong as the Aurelians and Uruguayans held the line and give massive damage to the invaders that forced them to retreat. Allowing some Aurelian reserves to be deployed at Bolivian-Paraguay front

-June 13, 1959

Brazil is in trouble as they not only lost most of their better trained soldiers in that disaster, but also they are heavily thinned out as Bolivian-Paraguayan partisans rise up just in time Aurelian forces arrived to liberate the two nations and kicked Brazillians out in said nations and went all out to establish new front on Amazon forests

-June 23, 1959

Defeat after defeat, and with Aurelia's extensive use of modernized Blitzkrieg tactics Brazillians surrendered unconditionally to the coalition in hopes they would be merciful... However, Aurelians will be not.

Treaty of Griswall

-Brazil must cede Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina to Aurelia

-Bolivia and Uruguay shall partition the parts of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul (Refer to the map on Aurelia Stuff book to see how it was partitioned.)

-Brazil shall pay heavy war reparations to three nations.

-Most of Brazillian Navy will be seized by Aurelia and they will have to rebuild their navy from the bottom

-Province of Amazonas shall become independent under the name of Republic of Amazonas

With that, Brazillians have no choice but to accept.

And with the war concluded, Aurelia has become a South American hegemon, replacing Brazil.

With Uruguay hitted the most after the war, they made a referrendum to join Aurelia as a State which Aurelia accepts

Paraguay however, offer themselves become a vassal state which Aurelia also accepts.

And also Aurelia gives Bolivia its well-deserved historical coast to prevent bit of overextension which Bolivians are grateful


-1,300 Aurelians

-43,000 Paraguayans

-40,000 Uruguayans

-50,000 Bolivians

-280,000 Brazillians


Both USSR and US are alarmed with upcoming Third Superpower and made steps to prevent it.

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