7 - Bullet Train Romance

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I think that a lot of people's favorite genre, especially in the Anime Fanfiction World, is ROMANCE. Oh la la ~

There are so many cute, cool and awesome girls and guys in the Anime-verse that we can't help but swoon over all the time. Writing or reading a story with them as the romantic interest makes us feel so happy and fluffy and we just can't stop fangirling/fanboying over it! ^^

One thing that puts off the readers interest though, is progressing the romance way too quickly. If it's love at first sight, then I can understand – the character blushes and becomes shy easily in front of the OC and maybe is constantly trying to impress the OC and get his/her attention. But actually falling in love doesn't happen so quickly in reality. The two people in question can start out as being friends and then they become closer and better understanding of each other and then fall in love.

So when it comes to romance, don't rush it. Especially with characters like Itachi, Aizen, Madara, Sesshomaru and all those super stoic characters who, as we've seen them in the original anime, wouldn't give a second glance at a potential romantic interest unless they have something really really interesting about them. Having them meet the OC in chapter 1 and being head over heels in love in chapter 2 really doesn't seem right or match the character's personality.

In the same way, the point when the characters fall in love shouldn't take too much time either. I know this is a little vague but emotions of liking someone should be made obvious somewhere midway of the story, maybe after a couple of triggering incidents – whether the OC or character will confess their love is a different case though. They may take time or they may confess as soon as they realize their feelings and that's totally up to how the author wants their story to progress.

This tip is about getting the 'pacing' of the romance.

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