Eri sniffed and nodded her head as he brought her in a hug. After just a few weeks Eri grew really close to Eijirou and the 'bakusquad'. It was no surprise to see her jumping onto kaminari during break. Or to see her playing with Sero and Shinsou. It was a sight to see her dance with Mina, more so to see her not practice her routine at home. The bakugous were growing use to their new daughter. She was more than happy to learn she was making a impact as a part of the family.

Her lessons were going great, but she was still shy with others her own Age. Kota was so far her only friend, her age. It was more than a surprise to the rest that the two got along so well. Midoriya would've thought Kota would be more cold to her. He had a temper that's for sure. But after realizing that the two's dynamic, it was to adorable to ignore.

Eijirou sighed after turning back to his bedroom. He was going to need a outlet. He already punched and trained all day. What more could he do? Eijirou then thought of something. He could write, maybe be able to get the message to Katsuki one day. He might as well, in, he can't think like that. Katsuki was going to return, and Eijirou will prepare him with everything that was going on. Maybe it will help Katsuki reorientate himself when he comes back. Eijirou spent the next few nights writing about the past few months. All things he was sure Katsuki should know.

He even ended up spilling his love and undying loyalty to him. He kept that letter to himself. Eijirou the next day was found scrolling through photos. He then paused as he clicked on one Katsuki took himself. It was a dumb selfie, but katsuki was smiling. It was hard to know that it's been so long since Eijirou has seen that smile. Eijirou hoped and wish that Katsuki was safe, and at the very least, ok. Who knows where he had ended up.

The week after Eijirou was getting really tired and angry. He even yelled a bit at Kaminari. It wasn't until the old lady was brought in for some questioning that he went berserk. He yelled at her and fought her to get Katsuki back. One could say he got his wish. Because the woman's quirk flailed up in a moment of anger and just like the last time right behind the hero. Eijirou was more or less confused when he felt himself falling. Then he hardened quickly as he crashed into some street. Eijirou got up staring at the new place he was in.

Many civilians stopped and stared at him in shock. Other's even were even glaring at him with disgust. Suddenly, people spoke in English, hateful words that Eijirou barely recognized. Suddenly a helicopter came in with a bunch of heroes. Eijrou was about to let his guard down until one of them shot something at him. He dodged quickly and hardened himself. He fought with some American themed hero(villain?). Eijirou was now worried if this is what Katsuki faced when he got transported.

Katsuki was in the tower with Bruce. Natasha and Clint were busy with a shield mission. Also, Thor was out with asguardian business. Katsuki turned on the news as he sat on the couch watching what the avengers were dealing with. But as soon as he saw the familiar red hair he stood up turning up the volume.

'this new enemy or mutant is odd for sure. His skin sharp and rocky like spikes! Hopefully the avengers will be able to take him down.'

After Katsuki got a good look at him he realized exactly who it was. Bruce stared at Katsuki who was suddenly standing.

"Everything alright-"

Katsuki suddenly turned to the window and exploded it open.


Katsuki was already set off with his explosions propelling him to the area of the fight. As soon as he got close he saw Eijirou was tired and his hardened form was slowly depleting. As Steve was about to struck a harsh blow but he was quickly exploded away. Steve was quick to get up as he turn to see Katsuki hovering over the 'enemy'.

"Katsuki?! Get away, that's a rogue mutant-"
"You don't get to call him that! No one does! This is my fucking friend! Hell my best friend so fuck off he's under my protection!"

Eijrou was honestly tired. But as that odd hero was about to make a blow that even he couldn't block a sudden explosion happen. The sweet familiar smell of nitroglycerin wafted into his nose and Eijrou knew he was safe.He watched as Katsuki yelled at the American costumed male and robotic one as well. Katsuki then finally turned to him and relax.

'..Stupid hair for brains! What were you thinking?'

Eijrou laughed and unhardened himself.

"Well I had to get to you."

He hugged the shit out of Katsuki right then and there.But soon enough they had to disperse since the avengers had to take care of everything. Luckily for them Stark made sure to change the story with the press. The four of them all headed to the tower.

"Oh! Right, Stark, I may have exploded one of your windows to tiny pieces."

Katsuki said looking off to the side. Tony gasped at him in shock.

"You what?!"

Katsuki shrugged in response.

"You're a billionaire, you can fix it. Also it's on the 5th floor."

Katsuki said waving his hand at stark.

THE F*CK IS A AVENGER?!!(My Hero Academia X Marvel Crossover Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now