Chapter 11

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I skip up the steps and do a little happy dance in front of the door.

I got a B in science. I got an eighty-nine percent in science!!! On my test. That's gonna improve my grade so much, I mean, I could maybe get an A. Actually, that's very slim, but you never know. I got a B! I smile insanely until I redirect my mind to unlock the door. I need some sugar.

Once I get inside, I head straight for the kitchen, quickly taking off my coat and backpack. I slide down the hallway in my socks. Then I fall and nearly crack my head open, butttt that's not worth mentioning. 'Cause I honestly thought it was really funny and laughed until my sides hurt. Because I got a B; I feel invincible.

Man, I'm slap happy... But hey! I'm feeling the joy of good grades. I grab some cookies, chocolate milk, and a few donuts that I found in the cabinets yesterday. They don't expire for another week, I'll be fine. (Plus David said I could have them since I found them.)

When I have all the essentials gathered in my hands, I nearly drop them all when I see Mirissa sitting on the couch watching some kind of cake war. I go ahead and sit in the love seat, wearing the most dorky grin that I know makes me look like a nerd. Or makes me feel like one anyway. But I'd rather be that than fail.

"What are you doing home so early?" I ask her, attempting to make casual conversation.

"I got let off early, forever," she answers me with a sigh.

"What? Forever?"

"Yeah...," she says. Then she glances over at me, upset but trying not to seem like it. For some reason it bothers me. "I lost my job today."

"Oh," I say, dumbstruck. Because when someone loses the job that means we go on money saving mode. And when we do that we try to only buy what's necessary. "I-I am so sorry, I didn't know. I would've thought about it before I raided the cabinets and just came in like I didn't care and all this stuff. I didn't mean-"

"Rylyn, it's okay," she says gently. "You didn't know, I didn't stop you. And you're obviously happy, I didn't want to spoil that. I haven't seen you this happy in a while," she says, studying my expression and junk food.

"Yeah...," I say, smiling some more. "Do you want anything?"

"Donuts would help," she jokes as I hand her some.

Over the next few days, we all had to adjust to having only one person working in the house, even though Mirissa was constantly searching for job offers it seemed. I don't understand why she's so determined to get another job right off the bat. I mean, I know we need the money, but wouldn't this be a good time to have a break during her pregnancy? But I try not to worry about it, I'm just a kid. I survived when Dad and I had to do it then and I will now. Just gotta pray about it.

Prayer has become my favorite time of the day. Now, I don't spill my guts to my friends as much because telling the One who can truly change things is enough. The journal has become a part of me that I cherish and keep close to my heart. I hide it under my many pillows and make sure that it's secure under there. It's very private, I've started writing absolutely nearly every thought in that thing. I know my thoughts aren't much, but I hope God will appreciate them anyway. Our relationship really has grown.

"Guess what," I say the night before the retreat at the dinner table.

"What?" David asks.

"I discovered that depending on people is very unstable," I state.


"Uh huh. Because you never know where they'll take it, you know?"

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