Chapter 6

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Black is scary. It's unnerving.

"Where am I? What happened? Why can't I see? All I see is black. Black."

Thought Brett, until finally a weight that felt like a house itself was lifted off of her. Brett gasped as though she had come back to life.

"Brett. Brett. Are you okay?" Screamed a panicked Emily.

"I..I..where'd he go?" Cried, Brett.

"I don't know. I ran up here and saw him choking you. He ran as soon as he saw me." Foster assured.

"I..he...I don't know what happened." Sobbed Brett looking at the now blood red marks all up and down her wrists and arms.

"Come on, I'm taking you to Med to get checked out." Said Foster as she helped Brett stand on her own two feet.

Brett looked around her as if everything she was seeing was now not real. Cold, that's what she felt. Cold.

"I don't even remember the ride here," Brett told the nurse.

"I..I just remember opening my eyes and seeing Emily."

"Okay, don't worry sweetie. We're gonna take good care of you and have you out of here in no time." Calmed, the nurse.

Brett just sat there and shook her head. The blood-red marks had now turned into purple restraints all over her arms, wrists, and worst of all...her neck.

"Hey. I just got off the phone with Chief.." Foster started.

"I don't want them to come here." Brett quickly interrupted.

"Okay. Okay, I'll call him back and tell him we'll see everyone at the house." Brett sat there numb and just nodded. 

(OLD) Brett & Casey: RecoveringWhere stories live. Discover now