Part 1; "How long have you wanted this?"

Start from the beginning

"I really shouldn't," He mumbled, shuffling in his place.

"It will be fun, come on!" You said pulling his hand. He placed his glass down and followed you to the dance floor. You began to twirl and move your hips around him and he smiled, rolling his eyes.

"What? Are you so wound up that you can't dance?"

"Oh, I can dance," He sneered and began to move his hips along to the beat. You started giggling at the sight in front of you. You two were having fun, his guard let down for a minute as he watched you swing your body to the beat. You grabbed his hand, making him twirl you around then landing in his arms. You smiled up at him as he held you, his face gone stiff. You blushed, you could feel his chest moving up and down underneath you.

You both were lost for a second, only a second, and then he pushed you off him, flustered, "I have to go." He said turning around and leaving you on the dance floor alone.

Peter came up from behind you, "What was that about?" He asked, looking at you as you watched Tony stumble away, "I'm not sure."


It had been a week since Tony's party and you had thought about the dance a lot. You were laying on Peter's bed next to him as he played a video game. "I think Tony likes me."

"Well, I'd hope so. We are supposed to be a family." He said mindlessly as he focused on his game.

"No, I mean like... I think he's attracted to me."

Peter almost choked on his own spit, looking down at you, "What?! Are you crazy? Why would you even think that?" He stuttered.

You put your arms behind your head, "I don't know. I've just been getting this weird vibe from him lately that he's avoiding me because he's attracted to me."

"You know Tony's like a hundred, right?" Peter asked, his voice rasing in octave.

You shook your head sitting up. "I'm heading to bed." You mumbled. You got up and walked out of Peter's room and you could hear him mumble "Tony Stark? Out of all people." And you couldn't help but laugh.

You were walking down the hall when you spotted Tony's door open. You peeked inside and saw it was empty. You decided you were going to go and find him. It wasn't hard to do, you assumed he'd be in the lab, working until the early hours in the morning.

You made your way down the stairs to his lab, calling out for him, "Hey, Tony, are you down here." You heard a bang and the movement of metal, "Yeah," You heard his voice call back. You made your way down and pushed open the door to his lab and found him kneeling on the ground with parts all around him.

"Figured I'd find you here." You muttered, walking over to one of his work benches and leaning against it.

"What time is it?" He asked you, not looking up.

"About one in the morning."

He huffed and stood away from the parts next to him and sat in his chair. His hair was a mess, it was flopping over in all directions as it began to curl. His shirt was dirty and you could see his muscles move beneath it. He was wiping his hands on a cloth, finally looking at you. "What's up?" He asked, obviously curious as to why you were visiting him so late.

"Just came to see what you were doing, everyone else is in bed." You smiled. He nodded his head, scanning your body quickly then looking away. You pushed yourself away from the table, purposefully knocking some pencils over.

"Oh, my bad." You said, bending over to pick them up. You could feel his eyes locked on you as your bum stuck out in the air while you bent over. You quickly turned around, his eyes looking in to yours as you squeaked, "Hah! I knew it." You said proudly.

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