Chapter 2

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The flight to California had been uneventful and before I knew it I was clambering off the plane in search of my Aunt Theresa and Uncle Mark.

I spotted them sitting on the chairs at the far end of the airport and hurried myself along dragging my suitcase behind me.

“Ellie!” Aunt Theresa exclaimed as soon as she noticed my arrival. She pulled me into a bone crushing hug which I instantly returned. My Uncle folded up his newspaper and looked at me wearily before also pulling me into a hug.

“Safe journey?” He asked with a small smile and I nodded enthusiastically.

“Let’s get going then.” Aunt Theresa said with a smile and turned and walked to the airport doors leaving my Uncle and me to follow her.


I spent almost the entire car journey staring out the window and getting a feel for what it was like here. I’d never been to America before so everything was completely new.

“We can order Domino’s when we get back and while we’re waiting for it we can give you a tour of the house.” Aunt Theresa said breaking the silence that had fallen over us all.

“That sounds good.” I said sincerely with a small smile.

We fell into yet another a silence after that only broken when we reached their house and we all got out the car.

I stared up at the house in front of me. It was so much bigger than the house I had back in England. It had to be at least double the size maybe even triple.

There was a forest at the back of the house that would make it so much easier to shift and go for a run whenever I felt like it.

“Come on Ellie!” I averted my gaze to my Aunt and Uncle to see that they were already halfway to the house and I was still standing like a crazy person staring up at it.

I laughed slightly at the thought and shook my head before grabbing my suitcase and following them into the house.

The inside of the house was even bigger than it looked from the outside. There was a big entrance hall with a spiral staircase to the right of it. To the other side of the room were two doors that I’m guessing lead to the living room and the kitchen but I could be wrong.

“Toppings?” I stared over at my Uncle Mark in confusion and furrowed my eyebrows slightly.

“On the pizza.” He said with a slight chuckle turning the laptop around and showing me the Domino’s website.

“Just cheese and tomato for me.” I said with a smile as he nodded and turned the laptop back around to type in the order.

“Do you want a tour?” Aunt Theresa asked walking back into the entrance hall. I nodded my head back at her enthusiastically and she laughed lightly. “This way.” She said gesturing with her hands for me to follow her.

We walked through one of the doors that turned out to be a kitchen so I was correct. It was fitted with black units and sparkly black marble counters to match and a white marble floor. It was positively breathtaking.

“There’s a bathroom through there.” She said pointing to the door at the back of the kitchen that I hadn’t even noticed.

I followed her to the other door next which just so happened to be the living room just like I’d guessed. It had a giant flat screen TV and there were two white leather sofas covered in pillows. The pale walls were lined with bookcases and various paintings. There was a soft, cream rug in the middle of the room lying in front of an old coal fire.

We left that room once I was done ogling at it and walked back into the entrance hall.

“Do you want to see where you’ll be staying?”

“Yes please.” I said with a smile and began following her up the spiral staircase.

“Second door on the left.” She said with a kind smile and motioned for me to go on ahead of her.

I gasped when I opened the door, it looked simply amazing. There was a king sized bed in the middle of the room with pink Cath Kidston style sheets and pillows. Next to my bed was a small nightstand with a table lamp on it. A large flat screen television about the same size as the one in the living room hung opposite my bed with a sofa placed diagonally away from it. There was a full length mirror and a dressing table with a comfy looking stool placed in front of it. There was a huge window with double glass doors and a small balcony outside which took up almost the whole of one wall.

I walked over to the double doors and stared outside into the back garden. There was a swimming pool to one side that looked perfect to relax in and a patio with a table and chair set by the back door. Towards the back of the garden there was a swinging chair before the forest took over and obscured the rest of my view.

“Do you like it then?” I jumped when I heard my Aunt’s voice behind me and turned to her and smiled.

“It’s incredible.” I said with a huge smile on my face. “Thank you so much!” I squealed and jumped into her arms giving her a big hug to show her how happy I really way.

“Anytime darling. Take a look in those rooms.” She said pointing to two doors I hadn’t even noticed before.

I pushed open the door on the left and walked inside. It was a walk in closet! It was already filled with clothes, shoes and accessories. It was perfect.

The other door was my own personal bathroom. It contained a walk in shower, a whirlpool bath, a toilet and a sink.

I turned back around to face my Aunt Theresa who was sitting on my bed.

“Thank you.” I said quietly. To be honest I was at a complete loss for words. They had done so much for me and I’d only just arrived.


I was shown around the rest of upstairs quickly before the pizza arrived. There was a games room with an even bigger television than the one in the living room, a library and an indoor jacuzzi. But the last room I went in was by far my favourite. It was a ‘chill out’ room ideal for teenagers with friends over. There was another television in this room along with lots of comfy looking chairs spread out randomly across the room. There were a couple of steps heading downwards before it turned into a square of sofas which were four sofas with corners in designed for the corners of rooms all put together to form one giant huge sofa square.

We all made small talk while we ate our pizza, Aunt Theresa and Uncle Mark were glad that I liked the house so much and that I already felt comfortable here. Uncle Mark didn’t really say much but I guess that’s what he’s always been like. I don’t remember them much from when I was little seeing as they moved here when I was about five and only came to visit once or twice a year.

"Are you a member of a pack, Ellie?" Aunt Theresa asked breaking the silence.

I shook my head. "When mum started getting bad we stopped going to the pack meetings and parties and things and then eventually just stopped seeing anyone from the pack altogether."

I watched Aunt Theresa's eyes light up like Christmas had just come early. "You can join our pack." She said with a beaming smile.

I felt slightly unsure about this, I was only going to be here for three months so I didn't really see the point in joinging  a new pack.


"No excuses, we've already spoken to the Alpha and he says you can join this weekend." She left no room for arguments at all.

“Now then, you should probably be going to bed because you have school in the morning and we don’t want you being tired on your first day, do we?” Aunt Theresa asked with a smile. I gaped at her, I’d only been here for about three hours and they were already expecting me to go to school. I shook my head not wanting to cause an argument after everything they’ve done for me before taking the pizza boxes to the trash and kissing both of them on the cheek before heading upstairs to bed.

I didn’t realize how exhausted I was until my head hit the pillow and I was fast asleep in minutes.

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