Tagged :D

20 0 0

1. MetalChicken

2. Less than 3 days.. hmm.. I should have done this 2 days after :3

3. Hmm, 10 things? I like drawing, I like anime, I'm very creative :33, I'm not very social, I like to stay away from others, I know some Español (Spanish), I'm only 4"5', I uh.. I run out of ideas, and uhm.. I stutter sometimes + randomly stop in middle of sentences (sometimes).

4.  Uh... I don't know what else to put (?)

5. Tell a joke?
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the idiots house.
Knock knock
Whose there?
The chicken.

6. Uh spoiler? I like transformers and I added myself into one of the AU transformers :33.
But uh... that's it..

7. Tag 28 people?!? I tried :( Wattpad kept FUCKING crashing!! So fuck it. Whoever wants to do this tag bullshit, be my guest!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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