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Mikaelson Mansion(BTW this book will not follow all the original dialogue of the tv show, also this is after hope saves the world from the apocalypse)

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Mikaelson Mansion(BTW this book will not follow all the original dialogue of the tv show, also this is after hope saves the world from the apocalypse)

2 months later......

The Mikaelson Mansion was quiet as usually but today it was something in the air that made the Mikaelson's think something was up.  Elijah sat on his chair in the living re-reading his favorite book 'The Great Gatsby'  his other siblings and girlfriend hayley, klaus, rebekah,and kol sat around on their phones. While, Freya bound down the steps with a grimoire tucked in her arm.  The group looked up at Freya as she stopped at the table in the center of the room.   She put her hand on her hip, " Sister if I may ask. What is the meaning of this?"  Elijah asked making Klaus roll his eyes and for Freya to respond to his question.

" I found a lead on Hope" Klaus and Hayley snapped their head towards Freya,  "  What! that is impossible." The two said simultaneously. Freya  shook her head while muttering a small 'no' 

She sat her grimoire on the table, and opened  her grimoire and began to speak. " Okay so last night I felt this massive power wave and I thought nothing of it until I felt it again this morning." Freya paused and lifted her hand making the candles on the table sat aflame. " Normally witches can't feel another witches power this strong unless they are mix  between species and Hope is a tribrid she came from you klaus, it has to be her."

Klaus nodded his head." So what are you doing now?" he questioned Freya who motioned for everyone to hold hands.

" Isn't it obvious we are going to find hope and look into her memories" , Freya stated as if was the most obvious thing in the world.  Rebekah laughed to herself while Klaus looked bemused. 

Freya clasped her hands around Hayley's  and Elijah's hand as they all formed a circle Freya began to chant. 

(Hope's Memories)

Memory #1

The Mikaelson family found themselves inside of a wide clearing that had small pretty purple flowers and two picnic basket laid on the grass.

The Mikaelson family found themselves inside of a wide clearing that had small pretty purple flowers and two picnic basket laid on the grass

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They walked closer and saw two people one of them obviously being Hope since they saw her long hair blowing in the wind.  

" By the way they can't see or hear us" Freya muttered rolling her eyes at Kol as he waved at Hope and the boy that held a camera in his hand. 

Rebekah shook her head mumbling a small 'idiot' before turning her attention back towards the matter at hand.

They moved closer so that they can see them more clear, the family was right next to the couple.

" You know" the boy stated gaining the attention of Hope who was staring out into the field taking in the beauty of nature. " I'm gonna marry you one day" Hope's head snapped her head to the boy and smiled a teary smile. " Really Five?" Hope questioned the boy now known as Five to the family.   Five nodded making Hope nod. " You do know what your getting yourself into when we get married right? I have family I know nothing of and I have a lot of issues. I mean I don't even know myself right now . Ugh! life is so complicated." Five looked at hope and rolled his eyes " You do know I don't care about that right?" Five said mockingly making hope sigh and roll her eyes. 

" Yeah I know whatever happens we stick together. As one Always and Forever." Hope recited a tear falling freely as she looked at five happily. 

" Glad you know it"

Memory #2

The scene faded and now they were in another memory. 

The ground was covered in thick snow and the sky was a dark blue tinted with a hint of snowy white. Little pieces of trash and black rubble littered the ground while small varieties of fires that were in certain places, some were big, some were small.

The mikaelsons walked around for a bit before they stopped when they heard  a voice, a voice they knew to be Hope's. They looked at her to see her face covered in black ash and her hands, covered in blood; blood they knew wasn't hers because they saw she had no wound marks or blood leaking from her.

Her eyes held unshed tears as she stared at a random newspaper on the ground. Klaus walked closer to the newspaper, klaus read the heading.

' End of the World'

The date read April 1st. The world had already ended according to Hope's distraught face and the newspaper.  How had they not known this, unless they did but paid it no mind.  Hope eyes never left the paper for at least 2 minutes before she stopped she had looked up her eyes staring into the eyes of klaus's . Klaus gasped, his  mouth opened before it closed when he realized she was looking right through him and into the eyes of Five.

Five himself looked worse than Hope did. They walked towards each other, when they were close enough she collapsed into his arms and started to sob.

" They're gone they're all gone" She sobbed making the mikaelson's close their eyes in pity, they all felt bad for Hope.

"I- they were here and now they're not. I saw them Five I was right there with them when you left. How did I get here?"

Five stuttered with tears in his eyes ," I don't know I portaled through time again and again, until I was here a-and I walked everywhere , I searched for you; the others and nobody was there until I found you" 

" I found you" Five said  his voice but a broken whisper that the mikaelson family heard because of how quiet it was.

Hope eyes red from crying looked  up at Five " I want to go home" She muttered.

Her voice struck a nerve through the mikaelson's  body,  Hope sounded broken and lost. They couldn't save her and they didn't know how to feel about that but, utterly broken.

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