' 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡. '

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this is the song that i was listening to,
i recommend you listen to it too.

song: too high by stevie wonder.

song: too high by stevie wonder

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DeVante had no idea what he was smoking, he just knew he was smoking it, or was he? He wasn't quite sure of that either. All that he was really sure of was that is was strong and he kept going into small coughing fits, but it was all worth it for the high he'd get from it.

He took a few more puffs before hearing the room door creak open and seeing some girl walk in and sit down next to him.

He had no idea who the hell the girl was or where the hell she had come from but she was good looking. She kind of looked like a female version of himself, which weirded DeVante a little by but he always knew he was captivating and would probably be an even sexier woman.

DeVante watched as the female picked up the remote, turning the television on. What looked like an animated kids show popped onto the screen and both DeVante and the lady watched the screen.

A electric blue, four-eyed character showed up on the screen and began dancing around on the screen.

The woman took the blunt from DeVante and took a puff. The sapphire hued cartoon monster stepped out of the tv screen, into the room, and continued its bopping.

DeVante looked at the woman and she shook her head as she continued watching the character. "It's a crazy scene." she mumbled, blowing out the smoke.

Her voice was the exact same as DeVante's and he found it very weird that a woman would talk like him but then he remembered that the woman... was him? He cringed at the fact that it was all somehow sort of making sense to him.

He rubbed his face with his hand, trying to collect himself. When he pulled his face back from his hands, he looked over at the girl and her once red dress was green.

His eyes widened as he looked around and every red item was now bright green, even the red shirt that he was wearing was fading to lime green.

"What the hell is happening?" DeVante questioned, his voice echoing a few times.

He looked towards his female self for answers and all he received was a shrug before the girl's body morphed into a tangerine.

DeVante jumped up off the couch and began stepping backwards, expecting his back to hit a wall at some point. But it didn't, instead he walked right through the wall and into a paradise beach-like setting.

He saw the tangerine woman in a bikini, she was trying to hit it off with some major directors like Spike Lee, Stephen Spielberg, and Quentin Tarantino. All three turned her down and she started spazzing out, suddenly the scene was no more.

DeVante was pulled into a body of water, filled with all sorts of patterns of bright colors. He was still able to breathe in the water or whatever liquid it was.

DeVante looked around and saw the tangerine floating around with him, they swirled around for quite sometime before they were in some other place.

He was sitting in the front of a church with a newspaper in his hand. He looked over the headline to the newspaper and it read:


He looked up from the newspaper and saw an opened casket in front of him, he got up and walked over to it.

He peered into the casket and saw the huge, round tangerine shoved into the rectangular box.

He heard a voice yell out from the pews and looked in that direction, it was a giant banana. "She was too high!" it yelled out to him, the banana sounded like K-Ci.

DeVante looked back at the tangerine inside the coffin and saw that it was all of a sudden smoking a blunt.

His vision began to fade suddenly and he was back in his living room again. K-Ci, Jojo, and Dalvin were all sitting around talking with each other. K-Ci was in the midst of telling a story.

"Yeah, man. Like she was high as hell, like she too high." He continued his storytelling. "I think she was on shrooms or some shit, 'cause the bitch was seein' shit and allat."

DeVante's attention wandered from conversation as his eyes stared at the fruit bowl that sat on the coffee table in front of him. The first two fruits he saw were a yellow fruit and an orange fruit.

He picked both of them up. "Yo, what are these called?" he asked, holding the fruits up to Dalvin.

"Uh, well the yellow thing is an banana." he answered half of DeVante's question. "And the orange thing could be and orange or a clementine or-"

"A tangerine?" DeVante queried, his eyes almost as bugged out as K-Ci's. He looked absolutely psychotic, making Dalvin nod, frantically, out of fear.

DeVante dropped the fruit back into the bowl. Even though he'd practically crushed them with his large hands, it was still food and it was still edible especially when you live with a glutton like K-Ci.

DeVante sighed and vowed to himself that he would never smoke whatever that was ever again. Instead he gave it to K-Ci, Dalvin, and Jojo to smoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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