Chapter 3 - Bipolar

Start from the beginning

His mask was when he ever showed weakness he would harden his face forcing the pain back. I grit my teeth, "That's bad for your health." I randomly said to him.

He looked at me and glared with that hard look. I glared just as hard but before I could win this little battle, I couldn't help the laughter escaping my lips. Soon after he started cracking up as well. "There you go again?! Oh wait, this doesn't have anything to do with you, you know...women stuff-"

"NO!" I shouted. He jumped when I yelled falling on his back. I smiled innocently, "Sorry." I apologized.

He got back on his knees and sighed happily, "What's funny is everytime someones in my way I can get rid of them but every time you do that it creeps me."

I bit the side of my lip while tilting my head and laying down on the ground. "Probably because I usually don't shout or try to scare you. You're used to the old me." I grit my teeth.

As I laid on my back I closed my eyes and set my hands on my stomach. I remember when Ash would disappear all the time when he turned 18, I was only 16 then. We're one year two months apart in age. So, I'm 18 now and he's about to be 20 in a few months. Every time he disappeared I'd get so terrified. He was basically my protector since it had been a year since dad died. We were not poor or anything but we wanted to live in the woods. My heart belongs to the wild. I love any animal and I love the nature here.

Speaking of the woods, a loud crack was heard from the woods direction. I opened my eyes about to jump up but Ash stopped me. "Don't get up, it was just a rabbit. Um...stay here!" he jumped up and ran toward the woods.

I gaped still on the ground, "No way am I staying here!" I tried getting up but Ash was back in a blink of an eye and held me down. "Ash, how the heck can you run that fast? It's unfair!" he shoved his hand over my mouth and used his other to show the shush sign over his mouth.

I bit his Hand and he threw it to his eyes to look at it. "That hurt! And be quiet, someones in the woods. I don't recognize the scent-" he stopped himself and stared at me.

"Scent?" I asked.

He looked down and laughed. I stared at him as if he was crazy. "I meant I don't recognize him at all. I didn't mean to say scent." he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, "I can't believe you find that funny. It's childish you know?" I asked joking.

He stopped laughing and cleared his throat. "Sorry." he mumbled.

I frowned and grabbed his arm. He looked at me confused before I pulled him down with me. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me like always. Every time I was sad he'd hold me in his arms. I don't know why but it gave me comfort. He pulled me on his lap and played with my hair. I closed my eyes enjoying every second.

Okay maybe I still like him a little bit but he just thinks of me as a sister. I sighed smiling. Suddenly Ash growled under his breath. I snapped my eyes open to see Chris and Pixie watching us. Chris looked awkward while Pixie was smiling goofily.

Oh yeah! Pixie is one of my friends. One of my friends trying to get Ash and I together. Crazy right? She's german and has a very awesome accent. Her blonde hair and beautiful smile and personality catches all the boys. To bad she never realizes it. She's probably my second best friend, right after Ash. But what is she doing here with Chris the new guy?

"Hey Ella, sorry we didn't mean to interrupt! We'll leave you two love birds alone."

Both Ash and I jumped apart wide eye'd "NO! See-haha-no we were...haha just sitting nothings going on haha!" I tried.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2012 ⏰

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