Chapter 6: The wrath of a grieving father

Începe de la început

Eacker scoffed. "Oh, I'm so scared! This creole bastard is threatening to hurt me, how terrifying!" He rolled his eyes. "Face it 'sir', your fool son deserved it."

Alexander took another step forward, his anger mounting, "How?! How did he deserve it?! Tell me, Eacker, what did Philip ever do to you?!"

"He embarrassed me in front of my friends and challenged my word." Eacker huffed, "And, as the son of an illegitimate, that naturally means that any Hamilton's word was inferior to mine."

Alexander's temper snapped.

Flinging his fist forward, the Caribbean hit the younger man hard in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. "Don't you DARE say that our word is inferior to yours!" He screamed, eyes blazing. "Nobody's word is worth less than anyone else's! Here I thought you'd have the heart to regret your choices and change, but hell was I wrong!"

In his fury, Alexander shifted into a coyote and sank his teeth deep into Eacker's arm. The younger man screamed in pain, but the taste of blood made Alexander spiral even more out of control. Biting down harder, the coyote- turned Secretary heard the tell- tale crunch of breaking bone at the same time that George let out an agonized scream.


Alexander snarled and shook his head, his eyes dark with rage and hate.

"What the hell- Hamilton! What are you doing?!" Thomas Jefferson's distinct southern accent came from behind Alexander.

Growling furiously, the coyote felt the new president's hands grabbing at his fur and tearing him away from Eacker. Half snarling and half screaming, Alexander struggled in Jefferson's grasp, trying to get back at the young man.

"Hamilton- Ham- ALEXANDER!" Jefferson struggled to stop the enraged revolutionary. "Alexander, stop! Control yourself!"

Still ignoring Jefferson, Alexander lunged forward, his jaws snapping.

Left with no choice, Jefferson grabbed his cane and smacked it against Alexander's head, knocking him unconscious. Breathing hard, the Virginian rested Alexander- who'd shifted back into a man- on a bench.

Then he turned to George Eacker.

The young man was lying stiffly against the light pole and holding his bleeding and broken arm.

"M-Mr. President-"

"What on Earth did you do to make Hamilton do that to you kid?" Jefferson interrupted, shaking his head.

Eacker looked away, "I told him the truth about his son."

The Virginian's eyes grew wide. "Hang on- you what?! Kid, I don't even talk about his son in front of him and I'm his enemy and the president!" He groaned, rubbing his temple. "Jesus. What'd I do to have to deal with people like this? Go on, get yourself fixed up."

"Yes sir!" Rising to his feet, Eacker staggered away.

"Oh, and kid!" Jefferson called after him.

George turned to him.

"I suggest you leave the Hamiltons and their friends alone if you know what's good for you and your family. They have allies ya don't want to mess with. Consider this a warning."

Eacker snorted, a scowl growing on his face. "Who? You?"

Jefferson smirked. "Nah. I leave him to his own devices and don't mess with his personal life." His voice dropped into seriousness, and he loomed over Eacker, who shrank back. "But Hamilton can be vicious, as you should know by now. He can and will ruin anyone who does him wrong. Do as I suggest, don't provoke him anymore." His smirk returned. "And, have some respect for your president." He nodded and prodded the boy's foot with his cane. "Shoo."

Eacker bolted.

Turning to Alexander, Thomas heaved a sigh, "You'd better not wake up and maul me to death." He muttered. Gingerly picking him up, the president slung Alexander over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes and made his way to the Treasurer's home.

~ French translations ~

"Alex, tu es sûr? Je peux t'accompagner si tu veux." = "Alex, are you sure? I can accompany you if you  like."

"Non, ça va. J'ai juste besoin de temps pour réfléchir." = "No, it's okay. I just need time to think."

Pain and terror (Hamilton AU) CANCELLEDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum