Part 2 - Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

We all looked at each other and I sighed, "You guys can sit together, I'll go to the back." I guess I really am a Gryffindor at heart, cause that was selfless as shit.

"Thanks so much Y/n!" They chorused and I took the desk next to theirs, an empty seat to my right. The room gradually filled up until nearly every desk except the one next to mine was filled. Still, the room felt slightly empty and I realized what was missing as soon as it walked into the room - 

Riddle and his gucci gang, entering late as I suspected was the norm around here, as no one commented on it. Rosier made eye contact with me and a smile popped onto his face as he made a beeline for my table.

Right as he was about to sit down, a brown leather book bag was dropped onto the desk next to me in a mark of ownership.

"You can take the one back there, Rosier." Riddle sneered as he gestured toward another empty seat behind mine, his slim fingers still wrapped around the leather strap of his bag.

"Aww, but I wanted to sit next to the cute transfer!" He protested. Riddle just glared at him until Rosier sighed, "Fine. Let's eat lunch together though, okay Y/n?" I laughed and nodded.

Riddle sat down next to me and I tried not to stare at him. "Why did you sit next to me? Not that I mind, but I kinda got the impression you didn't like me." I asked straightforwardly.

"Do I need a reason?" He refused to make eye contact, staring straight ahead to the front of the classroom.

"I guess not."

We sat in an empty silence until the Charms teacher, Professor Merrythought, started teaching, demonstrating the slowing charm.

"Simply utter 'arresto momentum,' giving a light tap with your wand - and remember, think cushion!" Merrythought was a stout middle aged woman with rosy cheeks and more energy than I could ever hope to have in my lifetime.

"Now, let's practice my dearies!" She pursed her lips, surveying the classroom. "It looks like we'll only have enough for one teacup per partner!" She tittered lightly, "What a wonderful way to bond on your very first day back!"

"Yeah, wonderful." I muttered as she started passing out the ceramic teacups for us to practice on. Lucky for me, I'd learned this spell in fourth year. The corner of my mouth twitched when I realized that the curriculum had gotten a lot more rigorous over time and these classes were much easier than the ones I'd taken.

Riddle grasped the teacup's handle with his slim fingers. "Do you want to go first, or should I?" He asked begrudgingly. 

"I'll go." I said and he nodded, flicking his wrist up and tossing the teacup into the air before I was ready. I fumbled with my wand and yelped, "arresto momentum!" I breathed a sigh of relief when the cup came to a halt mere inches before hitting the table.

"You could've given me a warning first." I huffed.

"Life doesn't give you warnings." He threw the cup higher than he had for me and flicked his wand lazily, the cup coming to a gentle rest in his palm like a feather floating down from the sky.

"Show-off." I grunted

"You know, that wasn't bad for a first try." His dark eyes scrutinized me, "That was your first try, right?"

"Yeah, o-of course it was. I'm just a fast learner." I broke eye contact with him and fiddled with my nails. He snorted lightly and I guessed that it was his version of a laugh.

Professor Merrythought bustled over to our table, her wide skirts rustling. "And how are things going over here, dearies?"

"Things are fantastic, thanks Professor." Riddle said smoothly, flashing her a side smile that made her swoon instantly.

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