13 - He Deserved It

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TW: Themes of sexual assault and rape.

A/N: What, two chapters in one week? Is this what productivity feels like?? But yeah, I felt like I needed to get this chapter out there and hopefully it doesn't anger anyone ;))

I had just come inside from the hot tub and I shut the door behind me, stopping the frozen air from flowing in.

I grabbed a warm towel from a stack and wrapped it around myself, heading towards the kitchen. I was in the mood for some hot cocoa, and when I wanted hot cocoa not even Jesus himself could stop me.

It was when I opened the cabinet that I encountered the first challenge on my journey to chocolatey bliss: The top shelf.

However, I was determined. Although I was sure that it would be a long and treacherous battle, I would either come out victorious or die trying.

However, before I could begin climbing the counter, I smelled the scent of something forest-y with a hint of chlorine from the pool.

A muscled arm reached over me, grabbing the jar of cocoa and I felt a hard chest against my back. I turned around and met a pair of hazel eyes.

"You're back soon, Jack." I said casually, plucking the cocoa from his hand and placing it on the table.

He put his arms on either side of me, caging me in.

"Well, I was intrigued by your answer to that last question."

I laughed uncomfortably, "You and everyone else."

He moved close enough to me that we were touching, and he brought his face closer to mine. He had a predatory look in his eyes that made me press farther into the marble counter in an effort to get away.

I usually feel chills when I'm close to him or any of the other boys, but something was different this time. Rather than chills of excitement, the goosebumps on my arms were from the hair standing up on the back of my neck.

They say that getting goosebumps are a symptom of left over survival instincts, because they make your hair stand up and make you look bigger in situations of danger.

Well, in this case, I knew goosebumps alone wouldn't save me.

"I want you, Y/N. I've wanted you ever since I saw you on that quidditch pitch. And when I want something, I get it."

He leaned in and began kissing the side of my neck. Normally, I would have blushed or giggled, but this was something entirely different.

"Jack," I whispered, "Jack, get off of me."

He moved down to my collarbone and began biting the skin where my neck meets my shoulder.

"Ow, Jack that hurts. Jack!"

He didn't listen, moving his hands to pin my arms to my side so I wouldn't be able to push him away.

He held both of my wrists with one hand and started sliding my bikini straps off my shoulder.

"Seeing you in this was the last straw. You can't just wear something like this and expect me to not do anything."

I wrenched my hands free and shoved him away with all my strength.

"Yes I can! It's a fucking bathing suit, you psycho."

Jack laughed and tried to move closer.

"You don't mean that. You want me, I can tell. Every girl wants me, why would you be any different?"

I put a hand on his chest, stopping him from getting closer.

"I don't care about other girls, Jack. I'm saying that I don't want to fuck you right now, and you need to respect that."

The Summer I Turned Hot (Hogwarts boys x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu