15 - Having a life plan is for the weak

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A/N: I'm seeing panic soon bitchessss. Brendon Urie could run me over with a truck and I'd thank him.

The seven most frightening words for a person to hear hit me like a sledgehammer as I watched McGonagall make a dinner announcement: "It's time to think about your future".

She was poised with her back ramrod straight as usual and an expression of general disapproval creasing her face.

She's such a bad bitch. I wanna be her when I grow up, I thought to myself. That didn't erase the fact that she'd just forced me to think about things that actually matter - something that I hated with my very soul.

A flaw of mine is that I tend to procrastinate on literally everything, so much so that I've even put off thinking of my future career.

"I, for one, know exactly what I'm going to do." Hermione said primly, turning to me with a look of excitement. "I'll graduate with straight O's, do a couple internships at the ministry of magic, get some work experience of course," She said, waving a hand as if all of this was simply expected. I nodded along, pretending to understand what it was like to have things planned out.

"And then after the two years in New Zealand, I'll join the civil rights and law department of the ministry of magic and begin on emancipation and equal working rights for house elves and other magical creatures." She ended and looked at me expectantly. "Well? What do you think?"

I stared at her dumbly for a few seconds. "That sounds like a solid plan. It's really cool that you know what you want to do with your life."

"Well, what about you?" She asked, "What do you wanna do."

I shrugged. "Not sure yet."

"Well that's okay," She replies, "McGonagall is gonna be handing out some career and aptitude tests for us to gauge what career would be best for us. We can do it together later!"

I smiled and grabbed her hand. "Sounds like a plan."


In preparation for a Charms midterm that was coming up, I headed down to the library with the intent to focus on studying and nothing but studying.

"I like books. Especially textbooks." I tried to convince myself, "I'm so excited to study. I'm gonna read allll the words."

Half an hour in, I fell asleep with my face on the book. Who knows, maybe I'd be able to soak in the information through osmosis.

An hour later, I peeked my face off the book and groaned, squinting at the clock.

"12 am? Jesusss."

"Y/n?" I heard a masculine voice from behind me and turned to see Cedric.

"Oh, hi Ced." I yawned, "I was trying to study but I think you can probably tell that it's not going so well. What are you doing up this late anyways?"

He took a seat next to me, and I noticed that we were the only people left in the library. Lovely.

"Couldn't sleep. Decided to come down here and be productive, but I can already see that's not gonna happen."

He winked at me playfully and I blushed.

"These wooden chairs are kinda uncomfortable. Wanna go somewhere better?" I asked.

"I'd love to." He stood up and offered a hand to me, which I gladly accepted.

"I know just the place."


A couple minutes later, we stood in front of a blank wall.

"Uh...Ced? I love the view, but I thought we were gonna go somewhere a little more accessible."

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