Chapter 1

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        I met Thomas a while back when he ran into me at a park. He was recording some sort of video and was walking backwards colliding into me. After that we decided to hang out. I found out he was a creative person who couldn't help but love Disney and theater. He was also a great singer. After a few months of being his friend he showed me his sides. When I had watched the videos on them it was... well weird. I knew there was a creative, feelings, logic, anxiety, and lying side, so when he said he wanted me to meet them, I was confused. Weren't they just him in costumes but with different voices? I went inside his house and he asked if i was thirsty. I politely denied hoping he wouldn't be upset. He walked to the living room and had me sit down. "Ok so, are you ready to meet the others?" He asked with a smile. I can't lie, I was scared and was hoping he wasn't crazy. "Yes I am..." I tell him. Soon the people from his videos rose up and were right in front of me.

There was the prince, the anxiety, the dad, the teacher, and the snake dude. That's was the only way to describe them. The dad dude was the first to talk."Hiya Thomas! What's new!" His voice was filled with happiness. "Well, Patton," I caught the name of the dad and did my best to remember it, "I brought my friend (y/n) and wanted to introduce you guys!" Thomas exclaimed in a happy manner. Patton looked over as though a puppy had done something adorable and waved,"Hi (y/n), I'm Patton!" He gave this big smile and I was still shocked that they were real. I soon stuttered out a hi. "The name is Logan." The teacher told me. His hand was extended for a hand shake and I excepted. The prince came over and gave a slight bow."I am Roman." He said in a royalty tone. The one in a hoodie just stayed on the stairs and told me his name."It's nice to meet you Virgil..." I went ignored as he popped in some head phones. The snake dude and Thomas were arguing but I didn't mind. "Just say 'Hi I'm Deceit' and you can finish it off with how you want." Thomas' words would only come to me slowly and piece by piece, leaving some words out. Soon the snake dude came over to me. "Hello, I am NOT Deceit, I WILL talk to you more so please, DON'T leave me alone." He said. I was confused by this and then Thomas explained it. "Well, that makes more since now." I giggled.

"Now listen (y/n), there is some one else... but, you wouldn't like him." Thomas tells me. I look at him with my eyes filled with confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked. Roman joined in. "Trust me he is a horrible man, the Duke that is. You wouldn't like him... None of us do..." He snarled. "I might like him..." Roman, Thomas, and the others looked at me in shock. "You like him?" Roman asked with venom in his voice. "Well yeah, everyone deserves a chance to be liked... no matter who they are..." I looked down some what knowing how it felt to be not liked. Roman slightly scoffed at me. "Fine, I won't say I told you so." I nod at his words of a some what warning."I'm ready to meet the Duke." I say with confidence...


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