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She waited for him at his doorstep, sitting on the front stairs and staring blankly at the night sky. The view was mesmerizing, as always. The twinkling stars brought a spark in her eyes as she craved the touch of the night light on her skin.

Even when she was young, the night always comforted her and made her feel loved. Throughout her 16 years of life, night time was her only savior. It made her feel alive and wanted. It was also the only time she got to share her personal feelings with him. Damon Walker-Black was similar to the night for her.

He made her feel something inside the depths of her heart that she couldn't begin to explain. His footsteps brought her out of a trance-like state due to the starry night.

"You've come back," His voice sent shivers down her back as she stood up and dusted off her jeans. Turning towards him, she took in his appearance. His brown hair with golden hues was pushed back by his hand. His blue eyes were taking her in, letting him absorb her.

Zaria's violet eyes shimmered with unshed tears.  As she reached forward to hug him, he quickly lifted his arms and held her a few steps back, putting quite a lot of distance between them. She frowned when his eyes looked at her, mockingly.

"Why am I not surprised?" He scoffed and shook his neat brown locks. Taking a few steps back, he glanced at her before turning his back on her.

Zaria noticed his stiffened shoulders and took a few steps back herself. She wouldn't step into his house unless he asked her to.

"What's wrong? Aren't you glad?" She asked, puzzled at his indifferent behaviour. He stiffened even more at her words and swiftly turned towards her.

"Are you serious? You've got to be kidding me," The coldness in his voice shocked her. His crystal blue eyes were ablaze with anger and something else that she couldn't quite decipher. "You're such a slut."

His words pierced straight through her heart and she stumbled a few steps back. How could he dare to say that her? Something wasn't right here.

Anger flared through her as she rushed forward and pushed him with all her force. Nobody would insult her and get away with it.

"Y-you, what the hell is wrong with you?" Her voice trembled and tears trickled down her face. He dared to call her that filthy word when she hadn't even had her first proper kiss yet.

"I know what you did Zar, why are you hiding it?" He snarled at her and shut the door on her face.

Pain engulfed her when she thought about returning back home without talking to Damon. She didn't even know what she had done wrong yet she was being blamed unjustly without any reason. Maybe this was her punishment for what she had done during her 1 week stay at London. Or maybe it was because of what she hadn't done?

If only she could rewind back to that day and undo her mistake. But she knew that it was impossible. She knew crying over spilt milk wouldn't help, so she had decided to not think about and act as if it had never happened. She wanted to erase it, eradicate it. Anything, but remember it.

On her way home, she thought about what she had done wrong except for her stupid little mistake, which no one knew about.

Her mind silted through the memories of what had gone wrong at her hands. But all she could think about was that horrendous secret in London.

Damon, her boyfriend, who she began dating 2 weeks before going away to London for the Christmas holidays, was her best friend since childhood.

She knew that he wouldn't judge anyone without knowing the actual facts. After all, he was the kindred, golden boy of her school. It was no surprise to her when he became Quarterback on the Kingston Academy Football team.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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