194- What quirk would you inherit?

116 0 3

srry for being gone for like,, 8ish months ? was on the run from the police but i'm good now

♈️ Aries: Acid

♉️ Taurus: Frog

♊️ Gemini: Anivoice

♋️ Cancer: Vines

♌️ Leo: Tail

♍️ Virgo: Manifest

♎️ Libra: Engine

♏️ Scorpio: Electrification

♐️ Sagittarius: Earphone Jack

♑️ Capricorn: Big fist

♒️ Aquarius: Tape

♓️ Pisces: Brainwashing

kendo has the absolute shittest quirk. i would kms if i literally just had a big hand what is that bro

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